The creative fire is burning within us with the first of three full moons of 2024 occurring at 5 degrees (Leo, Virgo and a lunar eclipse in Libra)! This is our opportunity to create (Leo), care for our creation with diligence (Virgo), and then come into balance (Libra). Let’s dream, and listen to the sacred tone in the atmosphere LOVE
The Moon is forming a Finger of God between Saturn (5 Pisces) and Venus (2 Cap)- the Sun (and Pluto at 0 Aquarius) forms a boomerang yod and is the outlet of this formation meaning, the Sun’s expression is the release valve of pent up energy and/or tension. Venus is who/what we love outwardly, material resources, and also our self-worth. Saturn in a harmonious sextile to Venus, offering the chance to create supportive structures and routines. Pluto is loosely communing with the Sun and forming a bridge with the Moon, so this is deep. Something is ready to be transformed. What needs to go? This is a Full Moon after all- the end of a cycle. The Sun and Pluto are in Aquarius, which presents a beautiful opportunity to step into our true identity. To live authentically. To love and be loved. To allow it all in. The courage to fully embody the Open Door of the 5 chambers. Maybe what needs to die off is the tendency to close our hearts, and hide our authentic selves. Maybe we can have what we want once we are willing to release that which no longer serves that Sacred Tone of Love, the frequency that dissolves all ego, fear based habitual unconscious momentum. Join Abhaijot on this extraordinary first Full Moon of 2024 on the 3rd 8/8 Stargate of the year bringing us into that G O D energy Generator, Organizer, Destroyer/ Deliverer Energy of the Highest Frequency Love. With a Kundalini alignment and Full Moon ritual. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Please Bring to your Altar (Mat) Candle, Journal, Herbs/ Sprays for Clearing.
7pm Est.-8:45pm Est + 7 Day On Demand Replay
$44 RSVP HERE or VENMO @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal
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