A moment to behold. The Sun, our consciousness and life force, meets with Pluto at 29 Capricorn 59, the absolute last minute in Capricorn, before they both enter the energy field of Aquarius together. This highlights the energies we experienced on the December 2020 solstice, when Jupiter and Saturn communed at 0 Aquarius. It was a turn of a new cycle of consciousness for the next 20 years. With Sun-Pluto on that degree we come to see how far we have come. Our consciousness is aligning itself with the shift from the old ways of the past to the new energies of the future, and from the power of systems to the power of people. These degrees comprise the Portal of Strength between the two signs, effectively blending the energies of the signs. Collectively we take the power of Capricorn, with its diligence and connection to Source, and bring it into Aquarius to be expressed where it becomes a strength which we can use consciously for Self-love and mastery of our Light. Pluto, representing transformation and rebirth, is taking us on a renewed journey into the energies of Aquarius. He goes retrograde in May and re-enters Capricorn one more time in September, giving us 7 months to get used to the experience of his transformative energies in Uranus’ sign until he makes his big move fully in November until 2043. We are receiving a glimpse of the future and the ability to take care of any unfinished matters that tarnish the light. Mercury also clearing his shadow on this day proving we are ready for new ways to think, communicate and connect with others. Join Abhaijot as we align our energy fields to one of the biggest shifts of 2024 in a potent Kundalini Yoga practice for our nervous system creating a solid container to hold the electric waves of light coming forth as we merge in the new AIRA of the Golden Age and the Power of One.
Saturday 1.20.24
Noon Est. / 9 am Pst. / 5pm London
$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com
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On Demand Replay sent after live available for 7 days
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