Beaming Love Aquarius New Moon
It’s the first New Moon of the Lunar Year and the Year of the Wood Dragon and the First Supermoon of 2024. This Aquarius Moon on February 9th at 5:59 EST. sets the tone of Love into the heart of humanity. The energy is full of newness and the atmosphere of LOVE. Aquarius is the part of our energy field where we learn to take down our defenses to letting others see us as we truly are. We learn to love our authentic Selves just as we are, and not project some persona for protection. It’s where we grow into our future to be all we are capable of. When we accept and love our Selves, totally and without reservation, we can shine our Light and direct that love for the benefit of others. Aquarius, is the embodiment of change; change that is new and unseen, we feel it coming, and that’s why we’re here. Uranus, the dispositor of this lunation, and Chariklo is also in Aquarius, at 13°, where she will remain until 2027. Chariklo provides a wise, stabilizing and nurturing influence, keeping things steady and grounded as the Aquarian Lights strike. Chariklo is a inconjunct with Juno, offering the vibration that it’s possible to awaken to our connectedness with our Selves and each other if we put forth the effort. Remember the more we learn to lean to love on behalf of all we awaken, and as more folks awaken, everyone’s consciousness changes. Mercury also in Uranus we must remember that the messenger now becomes the awakener. Join Abhaijot as we amplify the Aquarian field of the Golden Age under the Aquarius Moon and Sun in this Kundalini Shakti practice of Beaming Love as a force of Light through all time and space realities in this Kundalini and New Moon practice. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Saturday 2.10
Noon Est Livestream + On Demand Replay for 5 Days
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