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Coded: Chambers of Light Pleiades Seven Sisters Activated

  • I Heart Kundalini Yoga New York, NY USA (map)

The frequencies are heightened as we settle into the Midpoint of Mercury Retrograde Saturday May 21st, and riding the Total Eclipse electric energy and the time of the year where the Seven sisters come together and dance at the 28 degree of Taurus bringing in the galactic codes of the divine feminine. Pleiadean energy is aligned with building healthy communities, learning to live off the land in sovereignty and harmony, while creating a sense of love and belonging. Under the Pleiades portal vast amount of light codes are channeled in from the seven sisters to anchor in more o light rays into the dark spaces of humankind. Higher octaves of light come in to anchor the Earths gridline. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades cluster of stars and is viewed as the Sirius of the Pleiadean energy. Alcyone is viewed as the Spiritual Moon just as Sirius is our Spiritual Sun. Stronger Feminine energy is being coded under the Pleiades portal to tap into our spiritual DNA. The height of the portal is when Alcyone aligns with the Sun May 20-21st. In 5d Feminine energy is not about the gender it is about our safety and trust of our intuition, nourishment, and compassion to our shadows and self reflective love. When the Pleiadean energy is bright in the sky there is a beacon of Light that can activate a force of nature that slices through the density of congestion, illusions, and distortion and we are coded with new frequencies of what Pleiades holds council for. When we make the invisible visible it requires an appreciation and devotion to the sacredness of the mystery.  We can’t kick the door down, and expect to commune with the most precious resources of Universal Light.  We must learn to create sustainable relationships with the deeper dimensions, seeing through the veils and into the deeper dimensions that hold the secrets of universal consciousness and cosmic consciousness.  In order to see through the veils and see through the eyes of the heart, we must come from the heart, through the presence of Love.  An environment of trust and safety yields sacred space where anything can manifest on a dime for all sentient beings. Join me as we channel higher codes with the Pleiades energy and the alignment of Alcyone with the Sun May 21st where the light rays coming in bring us deeper into our 5D blueprint with a Kundalini activation under the thinning of the veil and rise of the sun of what the seven sisters call forth -Transformation alongside Gaia. May we remember that transformation occurs in the dark, and new growth occurs in the Light, and in order to facilitate new growth, new possibilities, and the New Earth, we must be willing to travel in periods of darkness, beyond the illusions of our current projections through physical form and structure. This journey is so incredibly profound, where we learn to navigate the fluid dimensions that aren’t bound to or defined by linear time/space and into the Quantum manifestion of living light.

Saturday May 21st

6am-7:30am EST


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