Moon 25°17′ Scorpio Conjunct the south node May 16, 2022, at 12:14 AM EST.
This Full Moon holds a lot of rich amazing potential! A scorpio Moon can be challenging. As a Moon in Scorpio is known as being on the master path. It is not an easy moon very multidimensional it goes way below the surface and into some of these nooks and crannies that perhaps we haven’t visited in awhile or perhaps we would never expect to see. All these energetic threads, or memories coming back to the surface. In order to navigate this Moon/ Lunar Eclipse we must make a really good practice with the energetic of rooting down it into the heart.
The Taurus/Scorpio polarity can activate and assimilate the 3rd eye chakra. The 3rd eye chakra being activated is our capacity to see beyond just the physical dimension. The 3rd eye Chakra activates a lens of vision that gives us potential to see into the empty spaces of all things physical.
We are talking about navigating this time on the planet through every breath into the empty spaces of what we can’t see by tuning into the heartspace cultivating trust and safety which deepens our capacity to root. Scorpio governed by Pluto the element of water which when water gets backed up things can get cloudy and confusing.
Join me on this Total Lunar Eclipse as we take the challenging aspects of this time to transform and alchemize. Where we use Kundalini Shakti to go into the untapped potential that lives under the veils, in the hidden blindspots of unconscious matter, to transcend the blindspots into magic the fuel for new manifestation. As always come as you are receive what you need.
7pm EST
Alchemist Kitchen