October 20th Full Moon 27°26′ Aries gives us a deeper opportunity to really see ourselves in the mirror, it is a really important time for self realization, self awakening and to recognize the free will and personal power we have within ourselves to really choose our thoughts in the moments, but even bigger than that to choose to reorient into the heart space the higher power of Aries where we allow Love in to activate and fuel the higher mind. To choose to regulate our own systems moment to moment. There are always a bigger moment beyond our control, scenarios that are unfolding, things that are coming to completion, or things that are coming to light, there are so many overlapping pieces and parts and dimensions of storylines that are going on right now regardless of what is happening. We do all have the free will and personal capacity to self regulate. Under this Lunation of the Aries Libra Polarity we have an opportunity to see ourselves in relationship with the world around us and what we gather from our relationships. Its a time of new beginnings with the major planets back in action taking us forward full speed ahead the lights are coming on to see clearly through the rebooting we just experienced of our mental operating system. Aries is the quality of consciousness that speaks to Mental Power, the power of the higher Mind, which is where we awaken to the Light of the Spirit and move into the next dimension of awareness. Join Abhaijot under The Aries Full Moon as we birth through the reconfiguration, dynamic change and transformation that is taking place in a Kundalini Lunar experience honoring the creative spark that Aries brings to the fire, that Divine Spark of Creation. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Please Bring a Journal
Wednesday October 20th
7:30pm est
Alchemist Kitchen
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Registration closes on October 20th at 7:00 pm EST
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