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RASA Resonance 8:8: A 22 Day Kundalini Lion's Gate Light Energy Activation

It is the original Egyptian New Year, a time that celebrates the portal connecting our life force to that of the Great Central Sun Sirius. Each year at this time consciousness ascends, Light Codes and keys are downloaded. The opening of this Lion’s Gate portal creates the opportunity to calibrate our energies to superconscious levels and embrace what is revealed. We can make use of the energetic shifts that elevate, expand and quicken our frequencies, connecting us to the higher dimensions of self. The faster we vibrate, the greater our awareness and the more we perceive while aligning ourselves with the changing energies. The Lion’s Gate is associated with the rising of the 7D star, Sirius, whose energies connect us to higher frequencies and energetic potentials. Join me during this super charged opening which begins on July 26th for 22 days. This intentional alignment curated and charged to activate and align to the spiritual soul DNA and Light Frequency through the rhythms of nature and Kundalini, and the 8 vibration. 8 represented by the infinity symbol, the rhythm of energy that flows around and within 2 polar opposites. It is in constant motion. This dance of energy reveals the Oneness of the polarity, how each side contributes to the balance within the Whole. The energies are always there, it is up to us to tap into them, and the only way to do that is through the center, the heart, where Love exists, waiting. Through Light activation we are learning to balance ourselves within the center of polarity with every thought, word and action. Collectively we clear karmic debris, eventually transcending duality altogether while living in it. Together for 22 days we will ignite the space of light in our hearts spiritual blueprints to reflect the light we bring to ALL in higher love and contribute to the momentum of bringing sustainable food to the children, families, and dogs of Cape Town South Africa in this Harsh Winter they are facing. We are the ones we have been waiting for.



TIme: 5am-6am EDT (LIVE) Recordings Sent 6:30am EDT for different Time Zones

11 Day Cellular Adjustment

2 Day Inner Communion

6 Day Star Alignment

3 Day Inner Ascendency

Activation will be by Zoom.

Pick your Alchemy for this Activation where 100% of your Choice will go to Free Food Kitchen

$44 / $56 / $108 

44=8 In numerology, GOD (Generator•Organizer•Deliverer) is 8 vibration, eternal, infinite, vast, imperishable. 8 signifies infinity, unending abundance, infinite Love, infinite energy, infinite supply, infinite bliss, infinite awareness, infinite choice.

56=11 a karmic master number representing the higher octave of 2. As a higher vibrating energy it raises consciousness by taking polarities and revealing the connection between them, building bridges.  It signifies mastery over the Self, intuition, enlightenment, visionary consciousness and higher manifestation it is where 2 can walk side by side.

108= The meridians/ pathways to the Heart. The Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth and the average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters. 108 connects us to the divine source in all things. 


Thank You for your support you can donate directly to Free Food Kitchen with Link Below!

About Free Food Kitchen:

Driven by this very real and urgent need to keep Cape Town’s destitute communities from starvation, Free Food Kitchen is on a mission to provide every child every community every family not with just with a daily meal but with something far greater than that – Food Security, and the faith that grows from knowing that tomorrow will always provide. Free Food Kitchen uses 100% of the donations to purchase and deliver fruit and vegetables to six communities across Cape Town, South Africa.

More info on Free Food Kitchen HERE