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Lunation: Kundalini Shakti Transmission Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse

Lunation Kundalini Shakti Transmission Full Moon in Capricorn Lunar Eclipse

Here we go the destroying and delivering energy of the final of the trine of Eclipses in the 2020 vision in Capricorn. This Lunar event is also Guru Purnima the auspicious Moon that Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon, it is the Moon of the Gurus. This Full Moon in Capricorn 13 degrees opposite the Sun in Cancer 13 degrees truly shines Light on the higher ground we’re awakening to, within ourselves (guru) with the Sirius gateway open we are stepping into a portal of freedom that truly holds the potential to transcend suffering as we remember who we are, and recalibrate to our highest version of Truth, activating a much higher version of the story here on Earth. This Lunar Eclipse gives us the potential to clear the last 6 months and trail blaze beyond the linear time and space. There are so many beautiful activations and revelations available in this lunar cycle. If we’re willing to eclipse our old attachments to form and structures, labels and identities, we can truly transcend, awaken, and remember our higher divine blueprint, purpose, and the cosmic records of our soul’s DNA. There is a much higher version to the story available to us ALL, if we’re willing to let go of what we’ve been attached to, and align ourselves with the higher lens of crystalline clarity. Join Abhaijot Kaur in the closing of the Eclipse passage through Kundalini, deep meditation and Moon ritual to break old patterns and align in spiritual DNA, by allowing the voice of Higher Power to move us, to command us, we are at one with everything, and there’s nothing outside of us. When all forms of leadership come from a higher channel of unity, truth, and oneness, we can rewrite any agreements, contracts, and structures in a way that sustainably supports the growth and evolution of all beings. Come as you are receive what you need.

Sunday July 5th 4:30pm-6:30pm EDT

Lighthouse Yoga School


*Please Bring a journal, candle and essential oils of your choice for Moon ritual to your alter (mat)