Mercury out of Retrograde, and Mars day Tuesday heightened by the warrior fire spirit of the Aries Moon and Sun this Lunation is transformative to say the least. Mars energy creates the excelleration of ones transformative capacity to assert ones will to know what one really wants. Aries is the first sign of the Astrological zodiac giving us the potential for warrior spirit instead of worrying spirit. There is a T-Square in the skies formed with the Nodal Axis, and the New Moon. This speaks to leaving the past behind, (South Node in Capricorn – the old ways of yesterdays,) and birthing something totally different (the clash against the Cancer North Node) The Aries New Moon is at the heart of this shield of water and earth, softening its heady drive. Venus adds beauty and grace, while Uranus and its electric energy says change is possible. Mercury and Neptune allow for hope and selfless thinking. New Moons create the time for pause especially this powerful Lunation calling on the pause after the Celebrations of Spring Equinox on the 20th. Join me on a evening of Ritual to realize potential and harness warrior energy of the Sun, Moon and Mars with Kundalini, New Moon alchemy of intentional ritual and somatic Sound Journey. As always come as you are receive what you need
Tuesday March 24th 7:30-9:30pm via Zoom
Register at Lighthouse Yoga School
*Bring a journal