When we are presented with chaos, imbalance, and uncertainty in our world, as humans we always have the option to ground ourselves in the enduring rhythms of nature and the cosmos. The the Spring Equinox on Thursday 11:49pm EST will mark our hemisphere’s transition out of winter and into bloom. Join me for this monumental pillar point as we embrace the first day of Aries Season our astrological New Year and the Equalization of the Celestial Coordinates Spring Equinox via @lighthouseyogaschool Instagram Live TOMORROW 3/20 from 7-9pm for a Satellite transitional transmission of seasons through ceremony, kundalini yoga, and sound journey to unveil the light. Please bring a candle, a notebook, and any sacred items you may feel called to your space (crystal, pictures, sacred items) looking forward to gathering with you all. May the light of your loving heart beam on to the Earth during these times of growth.
Watch on @LighthouseYogaSchool Instagram
Donations made Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga