Each year during our December Winter Solstice we experience a GALACTIC ALIGNMENT of the Earth, Sun, & the Galactic Centre in the astrological sign of Sagittarius. The divine alignment occurs hours after the New Moon in Sagittarius and the portal stays open one day after the Winter Solstice December 21st. A powerful energetic portal where the Galactic Centre (milky way) the universal evolutionary expression, the greater human evolutionary purpose becomes amplified. During this alignment The Sun, The Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury will be in truth stirring Sagittarius. As we move inward into ourselves during the Galactic Window these planetary forces create a intensity to unveil our truth. During this portal our senses are heightened, the veil is thinned, your psychic awareness is enhanced it's time to listen using our active listening skills to truly "hear" the whispering of the soul self and take conscious action will be the key. Join me on a Galactic activation of deeply listening to the souls call as we prepare our DNA for its upgraded chemistry with Kundalini Shakti Transmission and a transformative New Moon Ritual connecting us to the breath of LIGHT. Come as you are receive what you need.
*Bring something sacred for alter if you feel called and a journal
Golden Drum