Virgo Full Moon: Dreaming Whole
The last Full Moon before Eclipse Season, coming off the 222 energy, and the second of the first 3 Moons of 2024 being at 5 degrees. This moon is all about caring for what we are creating with diligence. The wholeness of the dream. February 24, 2024 at 7:31 am Est this Lunation occurs. Pisces Sun Virgo Moon is all about helping and healing. Chiron, still conjoined with the Soul Star, is Virgo’s dispositor, making him a big player in this lunation. What is your consistent way of living and integrating and embodying? We can explore and say that there is an infinite realm and infinite possibilities(Pisces) but if we are in a daily practice of choosing the old narratives and choosing fear, insecurity, or choosing all the old choices that would have us feel limited or stuck or even wounded or disempowered then we need to take a look at what we are choosing as a daily practice. What is our application that we are committed to, because that becomes the fabric that we are living in within our own skin. It also becomes the fabric of our reality we are living in and all the available choices and outcomes we have come from that fabric. The polarity between Virgo and Pisces is PROFOUND it’s where we have the potential to really birth ourselves back into the innocence(Virgo Virgin) of our everything, the innocence of such a magical belief system where we have no fears, no boarders or boundaries, which means anything is possible. With the the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn making a bridge with this Moon it’s an opportunity to weaving our dreams of our higher selves with more care, diligence, and truth so we can a embodied Holy (Whole) life. Join Abhaijot on this Potent Lunation Saturday 24th in a Kundalini dive into the invitation of this Full Moon in Virgo. A time to focus on dreaming big, putting some intention into it, and taking small steps towards that dream. What do we want to create? What do we want to become? This year it can begin. As always come as you are receive what you need.
11am Est.Saturday 2.24 Livestream + On Demand Replay
$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal
Bring to your Altar(mat) And herbs, oils, sprays for clearing. A Journal and Candle.
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