UnEarthen: Taurus Super Full Moon
The Lightening that UnEarths the parts of us not typical of a Taurus Lunation awakening the depths of change into our root system. This Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees on 11.15 7:49pm est. in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener is also the last Supermoon of the 2024 vibration. This means it’s time to stay awake! Keep your eyes wide open, ready to receive the lightning bolts of insight, truth, and awakening that Uranus will deliver. With the consciousness being in Taurus, this could mean intuitive hits about your physicality and/or material security.
This is not the time to disassociate! As Taurus is a physical sign.
Neptune( illusion / enlightenment) and Pluto continue their dance with Uranus during thisFull Moon, with Neptune creating a resource to the Moon/Uranus and Pluto, and Pluto manifesting with the Moon/Uranus. With the three outer planets continuing to harmonize with one another it is clear that consciousness is shifting and will continue to shift as the tuning fork continues to strike. It’s up to us to continue to align with our higher selves to do our part to raise the consciousness on this planet and trust that transformation will come. In our journey to become sovereign beings, many energies, and Forces assist us in becoming freer and wiser, retrieving our power, and moving into a more illumined state of being. Marking the end and the beginning of an Era, on November 19th, Pluto will finally move back to Aquarius.
This new passage is reinforced by this Taurean full moon, which will signify a profound release for many, experiencing a spiritual catharsis like never before! During this year many have been reconnecting to soulular self, monad, clearing inherited patterns, and working on DNA healing and reconnection. This process is precisely the one activating density emancipation, as the more we release, at a physical and non-physical level, the more we will be entering into this ascensional phase. Supporting this big shift is the FINAL SuperMoon of the Yin / Yang harmonics of this year the Taurus moon, as it will help us trigger the alchemical healing process in our bodies to move into the next phase of density emancipation. Join Abhaijot Kaur on a potent Kundalini Shakti Transmission, harnessing this next phase of energy unEarthing in the Micro and Macro.
Friday 11.15
7:30 pm Est. Live + On Demand Recording
$44 HERE or Venmo @Iheartkundaliniyoga
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