The final Super Moon of 2023 and the Harvest Moon the Full Moon after Equinox wrapped in the Eclipse wormhole. The Full Moon happening in Aries occurs at 5:58am ET September 29th before sunrise across the US, revealing a dynamic illumination that can’t be ignored. Aries represents the pioneering leader the original, the source of something new. Whether we’ve ever seen it before or not, whether an idea or a thought has ever been considered before or not, whether a creative idea has ever been realized or not, we are the birthing canal of anything that arises and initiates through the open space of our open creative mind. If we can believe it, if we can imagine it, it’s possible. If we meet the fresh ideas with negativity, limitation, or judgment, we shut it down before it even has a change to take shape. The discipline of our inner mental body space is what keeps the landscape sacred. If we buy into the limitations, we ignore or bypass the creative spark of new possibility. If we validate and celebrate the creative spark of new possibility, we allow it to follow through with action, creating ripple effects in the greater cosmic ocean of Oneness. As we navigate our divine DNA into its becoming, every single one of us are Pioneering the new ways of creating a new sovereign reality for the whole collective grid. The Harvest Moon presents an opportunity to harvest and claim all you've learned from and grown through over the Summer, as you now consciously clear the way to embrace the new season. It takes fierce and loving discipline to remain in the practice moment to moment. It’s easy to manifest big dreams when there’s no competing conversations within the subconscious realm of the mind causing gravity, sabotage, or polarized confusionUnder this Lunation it’s our personal responsibility to detox the mind, re-educate and recondition the inner programming of our personal matrix. Whatever we’ve inherited or acquired from our current culture, climate, or biology can be purified and fine tuned as we make it our business to take inventory, to see the inner landscape and harness the power within to make the necessary adjustments and shifts. This Full Moon activates a 5D Light Bridge with MakeMake and Salacia, intersected by another 5D Light Bridge with Quaoar/Ixion and Astraea/Vesta, forming a dynamic Grand Power Cross. We’re at a significant crossroads a turning point with a choice to elevate, and restore balance and justice by honoring and choosing the equality of yin/yang, mind/heart, spirit/matter.. As we make it our business to elevate the horizon, we find new options and available actions, new solutions and new thoughts, revealing new outcomes and results that shift and alter the fabric of our reality, both personal and collective. Join Abhaijot on a special Lunation Kundalini Yoga tuning fork to cleanse the collective grid lines together where we will activate the waters within ourselves and the collective grid in the divine order. We will be pioneering the way in a special practice and collective grid cleanse to hold until the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 14th aligning the frequencies of the Higher light ushering in without any misrepresentations.
$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email for Zoom)
Saturday September 30th
Live 7pm EST + Digital Recording
Please Bring Water to place your feet in and a chair to sit OR a Bowl of Water
Additional Info
All Sales Final
Zoom Link sent 30 minutes before start
RSVP Closes 30 minutes before start
Recording Sent after Live
Any herbs for clearing or Essential Oils