Full Super Moon in Aquarius: The LIGHT Bearer
The first of two Full Moons of August. Aquarius Super Full Moon happening in Aquarius at 2:32pm EST. August 1st. Our antenna’s are always heightened under a Full Moon as Full Moons always make us see clearly. They bring things into culmination and light. We are in our first Full Moon after the nodal shift, Venus is officially in Retrograde and the Lions Gate doors are OPEN. The consciousness is in Leo opposition the Moon in the space age technology of Aquarius taking us light years ahead in the future. The Moon is a subtle intuitive energy and in Aquarius flashes of brilliance are in the atmosphere. Even though we are in a big Leo dance right now with Sun, Lilith, and Venus in Leo. Aquarius is on the opposite side holding down the Leo Energy and anchoring it. With Mars trine Jupiter we feel READY to move forward and achieve our goals. Your systems are being calibrated with the Aquarian light to be conduits of energy and force bringing in innovative waves of visions in the moment, immediate future and dimensions and timelines to generate the highest and greatest visionary aims and ambitions. Join me on a Kundalini activation and Moon ritual to advance with the solar lights and Aquarian Moon technology. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Monday July 31st
7pm Est. Livestream
$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include email in Venmo )
Please bring
A Journal, Candle, any herbs, sprays, essential oils for Clearing space
Additional Info
Zoom Link sent 30 minutes before start on July 31st
All RSVP will receive on demand recorded transmission after live valid for 5 days
All Tickets Sales Final