Mercury Retrograde Taurus: Elec-tree-city
Mercury begins his second retrograde in 2023 and whenever mercury slows down and pauses we are in a time review and revaluation. This is especially powerful as we journey through all Earth signs in this year. For most of 2022 the retrogrades shift between air and earth signs. Air is masculine and earth is feminine, so there is a balance between the mental and physical energies. This retrograde continues with a new kind of cycle, since it occurs totally in earthy Taurus, just as our first Retrograde into 2023 occurred totally in earthy Capricorn. This Mercury Retrograde on 4/21, is right on the World Axis point of 15° Taurus. When planets transit the World Axis points it means something BIG is coming. We may or may not be prepared but it is a time to plug up and in and listen because this is more than technology breaking down, Coming off of the very special hybrid Solar Eclipse, and sandwiched in the middle of a wormhole passage this Mercury retrograde in the sign of mental love is calling in our attention to be present. So much moving at Quantum speeds at the moment we can we harness the Taurus energy of conscious obedience and expand in the electricity of the tree of life where we bring our inner network of communications and personal messaging system into alignments infused with Love. There’s always a reconciliation occurring through the current landscape of our mind in a Mercury retrograde as we examine the status quo attachments, distractions, beliefs, and projections that create the reality we’re currently living through and operating from. As we gently confront (review) and reconcile (revaluation) this changes everything, and sets the context for our upcoming cycles of manifestation, creation, and expansion. Taurus wants us to remember our inner guide. As the sign of Mental Love, where the mechanism of the Higher Mind functions at its best. That means that in Taurus, the mind combines with the heart and the capacity for Right Action is born out of the realization of the presence of our inner guidance. Join Abhaijot on a 3 part Mercury Journey as we take the tree of life energy like that great Being the Buddha, to tap into more of your true nature that is centered still, and filled with uncommon Light. We will use the kundalini light force to ride us through with deep roots through all stages of this passage beginning, middle, and end you will have tools to power you through each stage guiding you out of the journey unfettered by the lower mind full of new profound Elec-tree-city.
Phase 1 Seeding 4.21
Phase 2 Watering 5.4
Phase 3 Rooted 5.15
Livestream Activations 7-8:15pm est. + Digital Replay
Price $150
Payment Plan $75 upon RSVP Final $75 due 5.4
RSVP Payment Plan HERE or Venmo
RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include email)
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ZOOM Link sent 30 minutes before START of Transmission
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Tickets are non-refundable.
RSVP Closes 30 Minutes before Transmission