The Matriarch : Cancer Full Moon
First Full Moon of 2023 in the sign of the grand matriarch of feminine power from the heart Cancer. Moon in Cancer is at HOME on January 6th at 6:07pm ET, conjunct the fixed star Sirius, holding the tail of a kite while the Sun, Orcus, and Uranus initiate a grand earth manifestation. The invitation is to learn to mother ourselves from the divine feminine essence of the cosmic womb, and return to our original soul blueprint of awakened Love, free to express, embody, and authentically thrive in our greatest mastery and empowered essence. Conjunct Sirius is major. Imagine the cosmic womb that reflects the consciousness of the Ascended Masters, giving birth to the divine potential that is awakening here and now, within each and every one of us. The truth of who we are is alive when the Moon is conjunct Sirius at the purest essence of our awakened soul, we give ourselves permission to honor and nurture that essence as it grows and expands, taking shape and thriving as the divine expression of Love. Cancer energy reveals our empathic capacity to FEEL - not only our own deepest feelings, but others as well. Join Abhaijot under the time of Mother Moon for a Kundalini Full Moon activation conjunct the fixed star Sirius offering up a dignified reflection from the heart, to mother all of us, to nurture and remember our inner mastery and awakened essence of Light.
Thursday 1.5
7pm-8:45pm EST.
Please bring Journal , Candle, and herbs, essential oils for the space
$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include Email Please)
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