Pluto return begin 2012/ 2013 everything has been triggering for a long time. A lot of information has been coming in little by little, piece by piece, or the shadows being lifted. Pluto takes a long time to totally manifest. This February 20-22 he will be at the degree of the US Pluto return for two days. We will be getting closer to see through the illusion with great ease, it will all clear up if we are not afraid!
Pluto has a 248 year orbit, and is returning to the exact precise position when the United States was founded in 1776. This is a once in a lifetime experience. A Pluto return is a collective experience that looms large and takes over. It produces a loss of some kind, and the need to learn to let go of whatever is lost, usually a person, place or thing that the soul has long been attached to or considered essential in some way.
The process of letting go, (sometimes experienced as grieving) takes the longest portion of the transit. Once this is accomplished, a rebirth or resurrection begins. During this final stage of a Pluto transit something new emerges that replaces the original loss and brings the life into a far more evolved experience of Self-empowerment or in this case a collective empowerment.
It is important to know we are in the middle of the Pluto return now, it is going to take a long time before it becomes really clear on what is happening and what has happened. This 3 part 2022 Pluto home coming (February, July, December) is not a dark sinister energy that is coming to hurt us, it is reflecting the truth of what we have been doing, and Saturn is helping asking us to take responsibility for ourselves and be the masters of our own fate.Everything has to do with the choices we make from this point on. That is why it is so important we move through this whole thing to be positive stay focused on the open heart, because that is the only place you want to be when Pluto takes a deep dive into the dark.
Will we restore to harmony and raise the collective resonance of love? Because after all Pluto knows that resurrection can’t be done individually it’s a collective movement especially in the Aquarian age. Its a time of surrender, being grateful for whatever it is that is manifesting, even if it may feel as the world is getting messy it is all part of the return of Pluto and his alchemy transformation at the deepest purest level where the disarray transports you to an entirely new space, where you slowly but surely come back together. Join me on welcoming the first part of this collective homecoming through a Kundalini Rebirth and a Heart attunement where our individual frequencies will help tune up the collective octave to that of harmony this time is ushering us in. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Please bring a Candle and any herbs you use for clearing.
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