A we walk this profound Wormhole passage we have kicked off on the Libra New Moon the Aries Full Moon inside of the wormhole brings us into the divine metamorphosis, where shedding layers puts a call to action in order to reclaim and resurrect the highest potential. Now that Mercury has completed his retrograde cycle, the brakes are off and we’re moving forward, integrating a brand new upgrade to our inner operating system and holistic messaging system. Not only are we recovering the hidden dimensions of our light, we’re also alchemizing old shadows into wisdom and mastery that takes us to higher ground. With a courageous open heart, we have the fierceness to embrace it all. The Aries Full Moon occurring 10.9 at 4:55pm ET conjunct Chiron and Eris, activates a finger of God with Neptune and Uranus offers a full blown activation/initiation of Self Realization as we heal through wholeness and take responsibility for the beautiful breathtaking Light that we are, as Conscious Creators. Aries is the most important doorway to unleashing our greatest power, at the individual level. Join Abhaijot as we sweep our attention to gather in the whole Universe and remember the conscious power of your body through a Kundalini Transmission and Full Moon Ceremony. As always come as you are and receive what you need.
Please Bring Journal to Altar (Mat) with oils, herbs for smudging, and a candle.
7:30pm EST Zoom Transmission
*All Participants receive a recording after live transmission
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RSVP Closes 30 Minutes before Transmission