Lions Gate initiates an influx of energy that opens up cosmic and spiritual energy. Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, aligns perfectly with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Sirius has long been revered by many ancient cultures and is considered our Spiritual Sun. The Ancient Egyptians were deeply connected to the Ascended Star System & Civilization of Sirius. The Great Pyramids were all built on powerful Earth energy vortexes to be conduits and portals of energy connecting Earth and the key Star Systems, they were literal Stargates.
When Sirius joins forces with the sun in Leo, the energy to manifest, transform and weave in new spheres of Light attuning to spiritual DNA increase exponentially. Join Abhaijot on a 20-day Lions Gate Portal of Galactic attunement to keep your physical space streaming in of the Rainbow Frequencies of transmutation that occur during this potent time that reaches its peak on August 8, activating a tremendous amount of star power energy.
When these rainbow frequencies come in they are electric in nature, very sharp coded energies that activate your dormant codes of creation within you. During this attunement of acceleration of Light, we will help with your rewiring as the Spine (Light coded information highway) is bringing in geometric light codes to activate you and the major systems of your body. Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth to you, aligning another level of activation and opportunity for progression on your ascension path.
We will embrace the Lions Gateway energy with a 20 day Kundalini Yoga & Meditation practice which incorporates a 5 day Summer cleanse that will bring in more radiance, mind enhancement and refined clarity during the peak of the portal helping to fully awaken your divine light and embody divinity within the physical form aligning with the Leo energy of the season where royal codes of higher living are available for all.
Payment Plan Available See Below
Acceleration Information:
After registration you will receive the Mono Cleanse Ingredients, as well as the the benefits of this Summer Cleanse
Summer Mono Cleanse Portion is not mandatory, but highly recommended for
deeper attunement during the Lions Gate AccelerationPayment Plan Available. Please email to inquire
A Digital Recording is Sent to All Attendees Daily
July 25th: Opening The Channel, 6:00 PM EST – 7 PM EST.
Week One: Class meets on Monday July 26, Wednesday 28th, Friday 30th, 6:00 AM EST – 7:00am EST.
Week Two: Class meets on Monday August 2nd, Wednesday August 4th, Friday August 6th, 6:00 AM EST – 7:00 AM EST.
Week Three: August 7th through August 16th, 6:00 AM EST -7:00 AM EST