This Full Moon in Virgo happens at 9 degrees Virgo with Venus illuminated in Pisces near the Sun.
Our hearts are very much involved under this Lunation. The Virgo-Pisces axis is a balance between our capacity to take the wide view, or zoom in and take care of the parts that need to become. The Sun in Pisces allows us to face our doubts and fears, and master them! Moon in Virgo speaks to taking action with emotional wisdom.
Our social structure and integrity is involved in this lunation.
Saturn formed a resource with Chiron earlier in the month, and Chiron disposes the Full Moon. This aspect remains highlighted during this Full Moon, while holding us to go deeper into healing and expressing our emotions – with the understanding that we are all connected. What hurts one hurts all, and what heals one heals all. With Venus in Pisces during this Moon (where she thrives and is most resourceful) we will create energy that is spiritual and conscious. It is here where we can find limitless Love, and faith to become more whole.
Join Abhaijot under the Full Moon for a Kundalini Transmission and Full Moon ceremony. Come as you are receive what you need.
For Moon Ritual, please bring a journal, writing instrument, herbs for Virgo and a candle. Virgo herbs include: Fennel, Lavender, Peppermint, Skullcap, Thyme, Chamomile, Lemon Balm.
Give Back
100% of the proceeds from this class with directly go to Casa Marianella. Casa Marianella is an Austin based Mutual Aid that helps displaced immigrants and promotes self-sufficiency by providing shelter and support services for Men, Women and Children.
Website: Casa Marianella
Instagram: @casamarianella
Price $15 RSVP HERE
Additional Information
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Can’t attend in real time? No problem! A recording will be sent to you after the class.
Registration closes thirty minutes before the start of the event.
Tickets are non-refundable.