The total Solar Eclipse New Moon 12 degrees in Truth Seer, Truth Speaker Sagittarius, happening 2:43am est. conjunct the great attractor and Neptune, now stationed direct as of December 1st.
There is a greater story currently being activated within a greater story. The Great Attractor serves as a hologram of Truth, each fractal reflecting something so vast that our human minds must constantly allow themselves to be stretched toward it. The only way to work with the Great Attractor is to keep our frequencies elevated by focusing on Source, and surrendering to it with an open heart. As the Great Attractor draws everything nearby toward it, it also sends out some of the most multidimensional consciousness there is, in the form of streams of Light that can be downloaded through the crown chakra into any soul that is awake enough to receive it. This is a 5D Octave.
It’s the final eclipse to fall along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis since the first in June 2020 big completion point. The potency of Eclipses are they magnify the next 6 months.
Bottom line: the truth is coming up to the surface to be revealed. There are so many truths in so many situations and scenarios, but what is the most important is the truth that lives within our own heart space. Recognizing the truth of who we are, recognizing the truth of where we are, stepping and walking moment to moment. Also, remembering there is a lot of healing that is currently on tap and it is time.
A lot of active energy which means we can either be reactive or consciously respond in a way that heals, restores, and elevates and literally generate a quantum leap to a whole new octave of or consciousness. And with Neptune playing a part in this Total Eclipse, helping us with our capacity of enlightenment or enlivenment and all enlightenment, means there is the willingness and ability to sit with the truth. When we sit with the truth we can enliven into our divine blueprint.
Join me in a Meditative Kundalini Activation under the umbrella of the Total Solar Eclipse as we pass through the Sagittarius Sacred Bonfire of completion, allowing the sacred space to work through any final core wounds, old story lines and even the wounds that are held within the story of the Earth, the wounds of humanity and sit with all that is here, all that is arising, all that is presenting, all that is unfolding. Our relationship with truth is everything, it is what allows us to clear the air and clear the congestion. When truth arises we take action in clarity versus action, becoming the truth Seers of all. It is truly a gift to be here on the planet in this particular time, to be here in this physical orchestration of truth and love unified. As always come as you are receive what you need during this epic time.
Saturday December 4th
6am-7:30pm est
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