A lot of dynamic, potent active energy in play with this Lunation in Libra happening 13 degrees at 7:05am EDT. A Stellium New Moon with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury commune the mind and the body.
Libra is the sign that is part of the connection of the mind and body relationship.
The Aries/Libra access is the mental body – the spark of the first thought, or the form and structure. Libra, being the sign of the mirrored self, is where we have the ability to realize how our thoughts actually manifest and take shape in the physical form. There is so much of this stellium energy in this particular New Moon. We have Mercury, Mars, the Sun and the Moon and this week Mercury hits the midpoint of this prolific Mercury Retrograde.
Libra is disposed by Sedna in the 5th dimensional space; Sedna is our cosmic record keeper, and on the New Moon, we have a beautiful light bridge between Venus the 3D disposition of Libra, at the master degree…the final degree of Scorpio. Sedna is at the master degree of Taurus and this is activating a bridge of light. Venus governing Libra energy, is creating a beautiful opportunity to recalibrate our mirrored self to the highest cosmic reflection…the highest crystalline codes with this New Moon and with Pluto stationing direct today in its forward movement.
There is a whole lot that is starting to get activated under this New Moon, a BIG gear shift in our octaves to create the momentum for an active collaboration point.
Remember Transformation has three points that triad energy: The dissolving of what was, The free space or the fluid space where the next form and structure is yet to be defined, and The rebirth or the resurrection of the new form and structure coming online.
This New Moon really steps us into Pluto’s active collaboration with Venus, and Sedna at a master degree. This is a pretty important Moon, in this moment in time of the closing of this dynamic 5 year expression.
Join me on calling forth our highest manifestation that is being birthed through this particular moment in time through a Kundalini Activation that births us through this New Moon and the momentum of Pluto moving forward at its direct ascension point. As always come as you are receive what you need.
Tuesday 10.6
6am est.
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