The closest Moon to the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is known as the Harvest Moon. The Moon where we can reflect our passionate hearts in love for the next 6 Months. This Moon in Aries in the vibration of the 10 energy of the month which signifies alchemy. That is where we can take the fire element of Aries and create transcendence in our Relationships (Libra).
Mars currently under retrograde in Aries and the Libra Sun / Aries Moon opposition is stirring the me vs. we vibration. Black Moon is making a conjunction in Aries this conjunction is square to Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn and trine to Venus in Leo. Sextile Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces will help to soften the atmosphere of fiery Aries. We know at every moment we have a choice and this Moon pushes us to act and to decide if we are currently unhappy in any of our relationships, it could lead to radical decisions to be made. In spite of the stormy atmosphere which appears like chaos, we will feel free, peaceful and liberated once we transform the energy. Remember the number 10 is the vibration of Divinity.
The 1 is creator energy. We are each the seed of the Divine’s longing to know It Self fully in a place of love. Our task is simple during this Moon to call on Source as a resource to keep our hearts open and pure. This inner Light transforms us, en-Lightens and frees us to become conduits for Source to act through us. This is where we become aware of our interdependence and connection to one another. Through the mechanism of Love we raise our frequencies, and alchemy begins.
Join me on this Harvest Moon in a Kundalini Activation and reflection during this Lunar cycle where we open up to co-create from a pure mind/heart space for the highest benefit for all, reclaiming our power as physical expressions of Source, which is pure Love.
Please bring a journal and a red candle to your alter along with any herbs to smudge.
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