Energetically the 11th day of the Moon Ekadashi day is the strongest day of the Lunar cycle. Ekadashi means ‘Eleven’ and corresponds to the 11th day of Moon is a potent energetic vortex where your whole system is in balance. Your whole vessel adjust itself on this day. This is a day of purity, prayer, and manifestation. We will use this cosmic energy and group vibrations to kick off the 40 days to activate the heart + mind connection of the 20/20 lens as we move into the trine of Eclipses and Summer Solstice we will use the Siri Mantra (The Great Mantra) to move through the past projections into the current reflection of our hearts wisdom creating a heart + mind connection that is fluid in the highest vibration Love.
This 40 Day Ascension is free and open to all.
5am est. - 6am est.
We will meet collectively on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays June 1st-July 10th Completion
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday you will continue the 31 minute meditation on your own.
Siri Mantra:
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
Creation and WE are ONE
I know this by the grace of truth.
I know this by the grace of truth
Creation and WE are ONE
Via Zoom
5am start Kundalini Breath Harmony and Yoga
5:25 start Siri Mantra 31 minutes
6am End
*A recording will be accessible for 24hrs after for people in different time zones
To Register Fill out info below you will be sent a Zoom link Day Before.
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