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Lunation: Kundalini Shakti Transmission New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer


A new moon is always a new beginning, an opportunity to plant new seeds of intentions, or transform the roots altogether.   We are currently in the middle of a portal Eclipse passage in 2020 this being our second the sustaining momentum of the rare trine of eclipses. We are jn an unprecedented year of interruptive change and massive deep dive into the heart of what matters most, we’re in the messiest beautiful healing crisis on Earth.  And we’re exactly where we need to be to see what we need to see, to heal what needs to be healed, so that we can liberate, transmute, and transform.  We must practice equanimity, and we must remain unconditionally open through our hearts, with Love.  For ourselves, and for All.  If we recoil at the sight of unrest, or if we disconnect and shut down when things get scary, unpredictable, or incomprehensible, we won’t be able to sustain the challenge and discomfort of redesign.  We must stay open, awake, and in Love. The Solar Eclipse/ New Moon in Cancer at 2:42am ET gateway on 6.21 is supercharged, and truly has the power to move mountains.  Think of this New Moon conjunct the North Node, the doorway of evolution and ascension, intimately activating the winds of change from the heart, the new script (code) that’s in alignment with the higher Universal Laws of Oneness and Love.  This Cancer New Moon/ Eclipse has the power to restore harmony on this planet, by moving mountains and setting the world on fire, literally in a revolution of Love.  And the key is to mother ourselves, each other, and this planet with deep roots of unconditional Love.  We must find harmony within the temporary disharmony in order to aide in the necessary upgrade and awakening that flips the story into a completely different paradigm….delivering the New Earth. Join Abhaijot during this auspicious time allowing the light of the universal love in to our new foundations through Kundalini, Moon Ritual, and Meditation to bridge the new paradigm inward reflecting the light outward. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Monday 6.22



via Lighthouse Yoga School RSVP HERE

*Please bring to your alter (mat) for Ritual a journal a bowl with Water and essential oils/ or herbs for nurturing i.e; Franckinese, Lavender, Myrrh, Rose, Geranium, Yang Lang
