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Inner Eye: The Great Messenger Mercury Retrograde Wisdom

Mercury the great messenger entered Cancer the sign of the Mother who nurtures and supports on May 28th, Cancer is the ultra feminine sign of emotional nurturance. On June 2nd we experienced the Great Messenger entering his shadow, and every connection he makes from this point on to his retrograde on June 18th will be repeated 3 times over. When Mercury first aspects a planet, new themes are created around that union. Mercury conjuncts Sirius (the brightest star) on the 14th, bringing in multidimensional ascensions of very high consciousness. Mercury goes retrograde on June 18th joining Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto. He conjoins Sirius again on the 21st  the day of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer taking us even deeper if we allow. Mercury’s retrograde station is extremely important since the Messenger is the dispositor of this entire passage we have been experiencing.  Mercury’s station is almost conjunct the fixed star Sirius, channeling the consciousness of the Ascended Masters through this retrograde journey.  Remember, the passage activated an important ascension point with the Mercury/Venus conjunction, and the consciousness of the Masters is available in surround sound.  There is so much conscious wisdom online, all we have to do is still ourselves enough to tune inward and listen.  There’s never been a more significant moment to plug in to Source and Listen. This Mercury Retrograde is allowing awakening  with the inner eye, and the wholeness of new frequencies of the mental operating system in heart + mind union. Join me as we plug in with the Great Messenger of our Inner Eye in the Wisdom of the higher mind and heart unified using the tools of Kundalini to power our portal of seeing. 

Thursday June 18th

7pm est. - 9pm est

Via Zoom


Payable Venmo @Iheartkundalini Yoga



*A Zoom Link will be sent to you Thursday 6.18

30 minutes before class

Can’t attend? You can receive a recorded class with your donation just email

50% of your ticket price will go to Rebuilding Small Black Business MetaDEN a Healing incubator for QTBIPOC a non conforming community of color In Bushwick Brooklyn. Where I teach Kundalini and is forced to switch locations after just moving in January due to the COVID crisis. Together lets help keep this important QTBIPOC space alive. Learn more about this incubator Here

Thank You for all you do in the World!