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Lunation Kundalini Shakti Transmission: Pink Super New Moon in Libra

  • Lighthouse Yoga School Satellite (map)

Accelerated times calls for the most potent Super Moon of 2020 as we begin this 4 Vibration of the month in this year of restructure with three stargates open this Month 4:4:4 the veil is very thin. Libra Full Moon with Mars square electric Uranus in Taurus summons for erratic energy in the global collective, how can we find balance of strength, softness and compassion during this time when the square between Mars and Uranus brings out our most restless, rebellious side. Through this electric current in the Earth and within we have the ability to create a space of liberation and freedom. Join Abhaijot Kaur, KRI Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan teacher on an evening of balance, celebration, and letting go where we will use the Libra Moon to create a time to really appreciate what we have. This includes physical environment, friendships, loved ones, resources available to us, the freedoms we will experience through our talents, creativity, and wisdom all of our experiences with our higher self that no one can ever take away from us that bring us into more joy and peace in all of our relationships through Kundalini Yoga, Deep Meditation, and Full Moon Ritual.

Tuesday 4/7



Lighthouse Yoga School Satellite Reserve HERE

*Please Bring a Journal/ Notebook anything sacred to your alter (mat) crystals, pictures, anything to do with relationships, smudging herbs of choice (Sage, Palo Santo, Cedar, etc.) 2 Candles, String or Ribbon, and Scissors