Buckle up it’s Eclipse season and we are going for a Supersonic ride as we move through depths of Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Every month we have a New Moon, but only every six months we have eclipses. Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to bring significant and powerful endings and beginnings. An eclipse is a shift in the vibrational alignment between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon creating a matching shift in the alignment of our own energies. We are not only on Earth but of Earth. What she experiences so do we, each in our own way, according to the constellation of energies in our own unique charts.
Events that are triggered by an eclipse usually take six months to unfold. Special opportunities to break old patterns become apparent as you begin to make major changes in your life. Metamorphosis comes with Eclipses. Eclipses cause momentum to align on our soul path. The Solar Eclipse in 10° Cancer is part of a nearly two-year series that began on July 18, 2018 and will last through next year along the axis of Cancer and Capricorn. This means we will be looking at what maybe still needs nurturing during this cycle in our work-life equilibrium, relationships with our mother/feminine (Cancer) or with our father/masculine (Capricorn).
This Total Eclipse New Moon will help us in stepping forward into the future couples with Mercury Retrograde energy of July 7th bringing more fruition to the opportunities, wisdom, and spiritual insights. Through its intensity we will make waves into transformative action that will help us to open doors and get us to who we are becoming and where we want to be.
John Abhaijot Kaur, KRI on a evening of Soul Alignment and Moon honoring through Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, and New Moon ceremony to activate momentum in growth on our souls journey here under this potent Eclipse Gateway. Come as you are receive what you need.
*Bring journal and something sacred for alter activation if called