Kapha is one of the three doshas of Ayurveda, the holistic approach to wellness that originated in ancient India. It is also known as “the sister science” of yoga. Ayurveda works with the five elements: Air, Ether (Space), Fire, Water & Earth. The seasons are divided into doshas. Kapha season starts out wet and cold in March and ends up wet and warm, in May and June. It is a time when the world is slowly coming out of hibernation. Kapha combines earth + water and, just like the qualities of earth and water, contributes similar attributes in people when in balance we become grounded, loving, nurturing, well-organized, calm, and good providers, while having great stamina, great memory. This New Moon In Taurus also activated by the Earth Element pushes us into new heights in our foundations by allowing us to restore our consciousness and once Kapha is energized it brings great energy to what has been stagnant during the cold Vata Season. During this special time under the Taurus New Moon we will use Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan with Abhaijot Kaur, KRI and Esoteric Acupuncture and essential oils with Veronica Timiras LAc and the somatic Ancient sounds of the Gong to attune ourselves in the harmony of nature, clear the stagnation of previous months to restore our Levels of consciousness so we we can enjoy the blossoms of Spring Renewal.
Reserve HERE
Saturday May 4th
5:00-7:30pm Vastu Yoga Verona NJ
$44 Pre Reserve / $55 after May 2nd