Women are intricate celestial beings with 16 times the power and intuition of a man according to Yogi Bhajan the Master Of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. That Primal Power is called the Adi Shakti and has been worshipped for centuries in the form of various goddesses. Every woman has that divine goddess power in her own being, waiting to be recognized. Kundalini power is Shakti power. The sensitivity of a women can create a space of inner alignment or commotion of emotions. During this day Intensive we will relate to our relationship with the sun and the moon, the quality of the emotions and effect of the moon on the water balance in women. We will discover our personal imprint of the eleven Lunar centers we hold, meditation and its effect on our harmony. The Yin and Yang of our Lunar selves from Moon Cycles to Menopause and how to create healing through foods. We will experience ourselves through Kundalini Transmissions to align to our radiant celestial selves.
This Alignment is open to 11 women only.
$111 Before 8/24 $130 After *Space Permitting