LUNATION Kundalini Shakti Transmission New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse
The closing of the Trifecta of Eclipses ends on the New Moon in Leo. Solar Eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to herald significant and powerful endings and beginnings with 6 planets now retrograde this is a sign from the Universe that we need to stop and reflect on our past before moving forward. The Most Potent of the Eclipses and the last for the year will help bring us clarity alongside new opportunities that will help us to start a new chapter in our lives. It will bring guidance around anything that was stirred during the Blood Moon Eclipse of July paving our way slow and steady while the planets are in retrograde and influencing us until the next Eclipse Cycle in January. Leo rules our heart center, it is about children, inner child, leadership creativity, speaking your truth loving from your heart, your passion. ThisEclipse could be about stirring up that longing in your heart that connection that oneness. Join me as we tap into the frequency of our passions bringing clarity and guidance from our soul during this final Eclipse helping us ride the flames of our hearts into 2019 through Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, and a New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual and celestial sound bath.
Please Bring Something Sacred for the Alter if called and a journal
Golden Drum