Lunation New Moon in Taurus Kundalini Shakti Transmission It's time to embrace Mother Earth under the New Moon in Taurus during this Lunation. New Moons are a time for renewal and this is the perfect New Moon to reflect on our Spiritual progress. Venus turned direct on April 15th, Venus the planet that rules Taurus may have brought up things for us to look at regarding relationships with others and ourselves, what needs to be examined or let go, Venus officially starts to move forward on May 18th. During this New Moon we have the opportunity to set intentions for our growth by evaluating the real worth and value of people and things in our life (Taurus-Libra) issues. Mercury also stationed retrograde in Taurus until May 3rd makes this a powerful New Moon for grounding, processing our emotions and healing. During Lunation we will open up space to reset through a clear head and open heart, and heal through Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan. We will ground ourselves with and a sacred New Moon ritual to plant our intentions that are aligned with with our higher self while letting go of stagnant energy that keeps us from vibrating higher.
*Please bring a journal and something sacred for the alter if you feel called