Lunation is back under the beautiful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces. The future is looking bright with this harmonious eclipse. Pisces, the most watery of all water signs and ruled by the planet Neptune, summons us to BELIEVE - believe in our bright future. Solar Eclipses are very potent New Moons that generally happen every 6 months. Astrologically this is recognized as a time of powerful change, and new beginnings in specific areas of our lives. These changes build up 6 weeks before and play out during the following 6 month period leading up to the next one.
Pisces is associated with the part of us that wants to escape the ordinary world. It is the spiritual and psychic energy separate from the physical realm. It is the spiritual interconnection between everybody, the unconscious, the oneness of the collective emotional-spiritual body. Meditation, dreams, tranquility, imagination, creativity and spiritual healing are all positive expressions of Piscean energy. With this positive energy and the previous lunar eclipse energy, we can create a future that allows us to follow our hopes and dreams with belief that the good fortune and happiness found in following our dreams has the potential to be substantial and prevail. During this heightened energy, we will use Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan to allow us to open up into the Piscean flow of believing, along with a New Moon Ritual to help us tap into what we want to create for the next 6 months with clarity. Come as you are. Receive what you need.
Please, if you feel called, bring something sacred for the altar and a journal.
Golden Drum