It's that time of the year when Mercury gets ready to turn retrograde. Mercury will be in its shadow period slowing down during this Breathwalk as it prepares to come to a halt on August 30th. Mercury retrograde is a time to stop recharge, rejuvenate and reflect. Breathwalk is a synchronized walk linking the breath with movement. Through connecting our spirit with the elements of the Earth in sacred places transformation starts to take place. Our minds and moods change and the environment gives us the cues for healing and learning. Breathwalk increases our light body, our energy, and mental vitality and inner calm giving us the power to sustain our frequency during Mercury's retrograde period. During this Breathwalk we will learn the tools to navigate during the retrograde through our breath, honor the 6 directions and the elements and walk in consciousness concluding in a sacred circle with a high energy elixir to hold our new frequency for days to come.
Come with an open heart, leave with connection to heart and senses.
You will receive conformation, and meetup location
$15 Pre Registered by 9/26
$20 Day Of