Energetically the 11th day of the moon Ekadasi day is the strongest day of the Lunar cycle. Yogiji taught that this is the day when your system is in balance. The glandular system and metabolism readjusts itself on this day. This is a day of purity, prayer, and manifestation. During this sacred day we will learn to silence our mind. By forgetting everything we know we can sit in that space of emptiness. Through sustaining that state of silence through the meditative mind we are able to see in different dimensions, and when we merge with the cosmic energy of the moon we are able to purify and shift our frequency to a higher expanded conscious and sustain Shuniya (zero point) and sit in the sensations of the meditative mind. This energy portal will conclude with a meditative gong bath.
*Fasting is recommended for the day to keep in balance but is not mandatory. Water with lemon, water with pink himalayan sea salt and lime or green juice all day, if you must eat very light green foods. Email questions to IHeartKundaliniYoga@Gmail.com
Friday July 15th
$30 Before 7/14
$40 7/14 or Day Of (Space Permitted)
Naturally Yoga
175 Rock Rd. Glen Rock, NJ
More info at www.NaturallyYoga.com and www.IHeartKundaliniYoga.com
Pre Registration: Jen@NaturallyYoga.com