Mercury is officially out of Retrograde and February's New Moon is in the sign of rebel, free-thinker, genius, and idealist Aquarius. Aquarius is an air sign, good at transmitting ideas and opportunities through social exchanges and technology. This is a mind-to-mind sort of sign, a sign of community. In this month's Lunation we are going to plant seeds that nurture our ideas for growth in the Aquarian Age. Aquarius ruled by Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new. Through Kundalini Shakti we will work with this New Moon energy to help us sow seeds with originality and freedom from conventional thinking in life and give growth to our forward thinking selves.
Sunday 2/7
3-5pm Golden Drum
$25 Energy Exchange
*Bring a notebook and pen and a sacred item for the alter