Lunation is back under the New Moon of Sagittarius. When the Moon transits Fire Element sign, emotions search expression in a creative way. When the Moon visits Sagittarius the archer its to provoke strong positive feeling and optimism. Vitality increases and good intentions take possession of human mind. If you believe in it, it could happen. Sagittarius New Moon asks us explore our horizons, seek our highest truth, discover our spirituality and gain fresh wisdom. The archer energy encourages us to reach beyond our grasp, to exceed our limitations, and to rise above our primal impulses while expanding our horizons through new knowledge or spiritual awareness, this is a time to be uplifted and inspired. We are challenged during this New Moon to explore meaning in our lives and to connect with whatever we regard as sacred and sublime. During this New Moon we will gather new knowledge and understanding, making sense of the patterns and themes within the raw information around us. It is not enough to simply have facts and data. Sagittarius presents us with the opportunity to reach for the highest truth we know, and then to exercise that truth in moral and ethical ways. During this Lunation we will use Kundalini Shakti, a New Moon ritual and the power of the truth seeking Sagittarius to manifest and walk our truth in an larger than life Sagittarius way.
Please Bring Something Sacred For The Alter If You Feel Called and A Notebook/Journal