EMBRACING THE LIGHT: 7 DAY SPRING CLEANSE WITH Abhaijot and the Alchemist Kitchen
to Jun 20

EMBRACING THE LIGHT: 7 DAY SPRING CLEANSE WITH Abhaijot and the Alchemist Kitchen

  • I Heart Kundalini Yoga (map)
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Experience the transformative power of Spring with our 7-day Kundalini Yoga Cleanse, led by Abhaijot Kaur, KRI. As the vibrant energy of Spring ushers in renewal and rebirth, it's the perfect time to embrace the light within and align with nature's awakening. The Spring Equinox marks a collective and personal transition, inviting us to clear stagnation and cultivate courage, just as the liver and gallbladder work to detoxify and encourage relaxation. This pre-recorded program features daily Kundalini Yoga focused on cleansing the liver, nourishing the joints and nervous system, and anchoring the light within. Sign up now and rise upward, embracing the dance of renewal and light.

From the Alchemist Kitchen

Please note: The popular spring vitality cleanse will have limited availability this year for preview purposes until the end of spring. We encourage interested customers to experience the revitalizing benefits during this preview period, as our team remains committed to delivering these services with great care and professionalism.

Details and RSVP HERE

What to expect

Seven days of rejuvenating Kundalini practices tailored for spring detoxification and Spring Organ Health

* Pre and post-cleanse protocols for holistic integration

* Nourishing liver tonic recipes and dietary guidance

* Daily emotional reflection prompts for inner growth

* Exclusive discount codes for cleansing support products

 Join us as we transform and let go of what no longer honors who we are at our highest

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5:5 Soulcodes Transformation
1:00 PM13:00

5:5 Soulcodes Transformation

5 the number of radical transformation, and where all of our bodies play out their part. Our divine presence and our divine power are revealed crystal clear in this amplified 5 energy. As 5 is all about adaptability, change, and regeneration, and to the totality of humankind contained within all the elements of the Universe. This 5:5 Stargate at the tail end of the Eclipse wormhole that ends on the Taurus New Moon on the 7th is the starting the birthing process. Transformation can be difficult at times, but when we remember we are not here to suffer; we are here to wake up and choose a higher vision for ourselves and for All, and to manifest as conscious creators pioneering a New Earth.  And the only way to fully transform is to journey through the alchemical process in the heart .  The heart delivers us through the shadows as learn to see with new eyes, manifesting Love, and the 5:5 stargate energy takes us to that radical transformation in this physical reality. Join Abhaijot Kaur for a kundalini yoga shakti transmission in the amplified 5 field.

Sunday 5.5

1pm Est Live + On Demand replay


$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartundaliniYoga@gmail.com (Include email address w/ Venmo + PayPal)

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Scorpio Full Moon: Illuminating the Hidden
7:00 PM19:00

Scorpio Full Moon: Illuminating the Hidden

Scorpio Full Moon: Illuminating the Hidden

Come out come out wherever you are. Full Moon in Scorpio April 23rd 7:49pm est. Scorpio ruled by Pluto assisting us in releasing and transforming so that we are able to create this new we have been feeling through. We are still in the eclipse wormhole, full of surprises.  Are you flowing with it, or are you resisting?  How can you move from friction to flow? Pluto is forming an intersection with the Moon and Sun, so transformation is here whether you like it or not.  The Jupiter/Uranus new cycle is bringing something new and beautiful into creation,  this is the time to allow yourself to unfold into your next stage of growth, and you know what that means? It’s time to fully surrender to seen and unseen hidden aspects of yourself because that is what Scorpio is inviting, it speaks to your subconscious mind and what is hidden. This Full Moon is squared by Pluto highlighting shadowy issues that need to be seen and dealt with, This Full Moon is a powerful activator to facilitate a breakthrough or locate hidden beliefs, behaviors or attitudes that are causing problems, stress and dragging you down. Taurus loves the familiar, but it’s time for awakening on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This Full Moon is highlighting the Haumea bridge we experienced on 4.20 on Taurus/Scorpio Axis. We are being invited to deep dive below the surface into the shadows of untapped potential, for the purpose of creation, transformation, and radical alchemy.  If we don’t tip a toe in that water, we can’t realize our full blown creative potential.  If we play it safe and avoid our own shadows, we may miss the greatest invitation (and initiation) into our full capacity for alchemical Light.  The shadows are nothing to fear, they only invite us to bring Light into the darkness.  When Light illuminates the hiding places, the suppressed or ignored pockets of potential, or even the misunderstood aspects of ourselves, there is combustion of magic, alchemy, and transformation.  That deliverance is a rebirth, a resurrection, and a higher vision coming to Light. Join Abhaijot on a Kundalini Alchemical deliverance into our hidden self that wants to be seen, experienced, and celebrated as we uncover the Subconscious mind and illuminate a the magic of our source light selves. As always come as you are receive what you need.

7pm Est. Livestream + On Demand Replay

Please bring a deck of oracle cards, a candle, bowl of water, journal, herbs to clear your space.

$44 RSVP HERE or IHeartKundaliniYoga Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com PayPal (Leave email for Venmo + PayPal for live link)

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Zoom Link Sent 1 Hour Before Start

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The Abundant Life - Beholding the blessings of Jupiter Uranus
12:00 PM12:00

The Abundant Life - Beholding the blessings of Jupiter Uranus

Full speed ahead into the Taurus consciousness with a blessing right away! As we shift our consciousness to a more grounded place, that resonates with Jupiter and Uranus, the two slow-moving powerhouses that conjoining together just as the Sun moves into Taurus.  Mars sextiles this Jupiter-Uranus new cycle is the capacity for positive action is activated with a new frequency.  Ceres trining it from Capricorn, the potential to bring in something new is enormous. At the same time, Mercury and Venus come together in Aries, balancing mind and heart together as we bring the Higher Mind into our human experience, unleashing our creative potential. This is such a fertile time! Join Abhaijot Kaur, KRI on a Kundalini transmission as we activate the blue print of our abundant life in a special experience that will help us open while we behold the abundant blessings and becomings of this excelled moment in time.

Noon Est Livetream + On Demand Replay

$33 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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On Demand replay sent within 12 hours of recording

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11th Day of The Moon Aries Eclipse Extender
6:00 PM18:00

11th Day of The Moon Aries Eclipse Extender

11th Day of the Moon a potent day of reset of our whole internal operating system. Known as a day of spiritual development, prayer, and purity. This 11th Day of the Moon is quit a special one as it is the extender and refiner of the Aries Total Eclipse New Moon. This power punched day holds a shift in consciousness as the Sun moves to Taurus. Mercury Venus come together, followed by a Mars Jupiter sextile, Black Moon Mercury great eliminator. With all this momentum today, most notably the Mercury Venus conjunction (mind/heart) as the Sun enters Taurus. When mind and heart establish balanced partnership, and when the mind trusts the messaging system of the heart, we find an inner state of peace, stillness, and safety (Taurus) this is the perfect cosmic alignment to anchor a clear channel of our heart to refine everything we set into motion on the New Moon Eclipse.

11th Day of the Moon is one of the most potent Moon phases as our whole glandular system resets itself, our thoughts, and actions are magnified by ten. keeping a pure heart and mind connection is beneficial for this moment in time. Join Abhaijot Kaur as we Extend the Eclipse New Moon tenfolds.

Please bring a “P” fruit- Pear, Peach, Plum, Papaya, Pineapple, Pomegranate, etc

Please brings a journal and

Friday 4.19th

6pm-7:30pm EST

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Recording sent within 12hrs of Live

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The Pathway of Totality Aries Solar Eclipse
7:00 PM19:00

The Pathway of Totality Aries Solar Eclipse

The Pathway of Totality: Solar Eclipse in Aries

A New Moon is usually the time to take action toward anything you want to create or develop, but on a Solar Eclipse the energy is so erratic and simultaneously Quantum if we allow it. The Aries invitation to our mental capacity to stay focused on the co-creation of love. Through this personally, and collectively we keep ascending to what is needed to see the TOTAL picture - One to Oneness. This New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 19 degrees Aries at 2:21pm is conjoined exactly by Master Healer Chiron, offering clarity or solutions for blind spots and stuck areas, supporting you in realigning with your soul's path. Feelings may come up as Chiron does what he does brings us into the Mastery through making our wounds more visible. Things may feel unsettled as that is what Eclipses do. It is time to STAY AWAKE in the noise. When we wake up to those patterns that are holding so much power within us, we begin to free ourselves from that gravitational spin cycle, and reconcile to choose from a higher place of awareness moving forward.  Reclaiming our power, we commit to being aware of our thoughts, words, and actions…and the ripple effects of creation that those thoughts generate in our fabric of reality.  Conscious thoughts from the frequency of Divine Love,  weave a pattern of Love through the fabric of reality.  Unconscious thoughts from fear-based separation consciousness weave a pattern of distortion through the fabric of reality.  No matter where we look, there we are.  As we begin to see clearly, we realize the choice points, moment to moment.  The clean-up reveals an elevation in consciousness and awareness, as we begin to participate and collaborate in a much more conscious way, forever altering our horizontal axis and lens of worldview.  It is time to stay awake and pay attention to all new arrivals in your life, even the subtle ones, as they may become a major storyline as life unfolds.  Although it may appear that we’re moving backwards thanks to Mercury, we’re actually quantum leaping multidimensionally at lightning speed, and that “sling-shot” activation propels us into new territory in the blink of an eye activating our TOTAL self our great I AM Presence. Join Abhaijot on a Kundalini expansion into the unified field of Divine Love where we will weave a new pattern of reality in this 62 minute meditative mind practice, coupled with sacred body alignments to facilitate the meditative mind followed by a New Moon ritual for anchoring our co-creation. As always come as you are and receive what you need.

Please come to the altar (your mat) with a journal, smoke, herbs, oils, sprays for clearing, oracle cards and a Yellow candle which represents the solar plexus the inner fire.

Monday 4.8

4pm Est

$44 RSVP Here or Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga or PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmai.com (Please leave email)


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4:4 Soulcodes Double 8 The Will of Infinity
7:00 PM19:00

4:4 Soulcodes Double 8 The Will of Infinity

Timelines are merging and the energy Double 8 Vibration based on 4:4 is all about the foundations and thy will. The calling is thy will be done. The vastness of that foundation which creates an ongoing momentum of yin yang energy. The double 8 energy of the day is the potential to unlock sustainable power, and harness a greater source of power through the central channel of our open heart. When we open the channels of Infinity as the foundation our DNA sequence begins to upgrade itself, and we experience the magic of thy will. Join Abhaijot for a potent Kundalini activation harnessing the Fibonacci spiral sequence and ascension as we awaken and step forward while using your will, to claim your heart’s desires, recognize what’s missing so you can realign, and reawaken lost or disowned aspects of your Self from long ago that are waiting to be rediscovered.

April 4th

7:00-8:15pm est

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (Please include email for zoom link with Venmo and PayPal)

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Mighty Mercury The Higher Mind Activated: Mercury Retrograde Aries Triad
to Apr 25

Mighty Mercury The Higher Mind Activated: Mercury Retrograde Aries Triad

First Mercury Retrograde of 2024 inside a wormhole passage. Begins April 1st and end April 25th.  Mercury’s energies function at a much higher frequency than ever before. At this more conscious level, he is no longer about ‘understanding’ anything he is all about putting your heart into it and being willing to feel the event you are moving through. In an Eclipse passage anything goes, and where we apply our mind in conscious discipline matters as Mercury journeys Aries it is all about is all about where you allow Love in to activate and fuel the higher mind. Aries is the sign of Conscious Discipline, where you diligently choose to make all your thoughts loving. This is the first of three signs that together encompass the Mental Body and how appropriate for Mercury to take his first journey of this 8 Vibrational year in Aries. The mental body refers to the higher consciousness that every human, through diligent focus and discipline, is equipped with the capacity to access. In it’s highest aspect Aries has the quality of consciousness that speaks to Mental Power, the power of the higher Mind, which is where we awaken to the Light of the Spirit and move into the next dimension of awareness. In this triad Mercury retrograde journey with Abhaijot we will journey with the Aries quality of consciousness where you bring the higher Self into the human experience, by disciplining your mental process and sparking new thoughts through choice of Love. Through Kundalini Yoga and coding to help leverage with the stillness of Mercury and begin to experience the world you create in this passage out of this disciplined mentality. Your upgraded mind heart balance begins to activate with the cosmic allies through the beginning, middle, and end where the new Mercury cycle occurs after he retrograde and then recovers the degrees of his shadow beginning another chapter of communication and connection upgrade in our mental operating system.

All classes are 60 mins at 7pm Est. Livestream + On Demand Replay

Optional 11 minute practice to do until each meeting

Monday 4.1.24 The beginning LOVE: The divine spark of creation

Monday 4.15.24 I Am the LIGHT

Thursday 4.25.24 I Am AWAKE

$88 RSVP HERE or Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (please include email with PayPal or Venmo

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Real You: Lunar Eclipse in Libra
7:00 PM19:00

Real You: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The first Lunar Eclipse of 2024. Eclipses are wild cards within a wormhole and things often happen quickly that can move you into a new reality. This is a clearing, a culmination or an ending that will be followed by a Total Solar Eclipse in two weeks on April 8 (a major new beginning). When we find the courage to eliminate whatever is not in full resonance with the heart, we find ourselves expanding through mastery, and new creative options manifest in the blink of an eye.  The emotional attachments we hold onto keep us small, and prevent the brightest unveiling of universal magic.  When the heart stretches beyond the personal attachments into the universal realm of oneness, we can expand into our greatness without compromise.  Leaps of faith manifest miracles in the blink of an eye.  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra at 5 degrees happening at 3am EDT within a Pisces wormhole with the Moon and South Node in Libra speaking to relationships and the compromises you have made for the sake of harmony vs. your identity, personal will and desires (Sun, North Node, Chiron in Aries). What is looking to be Eclipsed in order to change in your relationships and then be proactive and take responsibility for the way you interact with others and ultimately yourself. This is a great time to learn to create honest relationships. This is the Moon and the effort you put in now it goes to freedom, expansion and Higher Truth offered by Venus resourcing Jupiter. Pluto in Aquarius appears for the first time in an Eclipse, in harmony with the Sun and Moon, activating the potential to transform awareness around identity and relationships with awakenings that propel a quantum leap in consciousness. Where we choose to invest our mental body energy and attention is important, especially while traveling at warp speed through a Pisces wormhole/eclipse passage.  When we recognize the power of our thoughts and the power of our attention, we begin to wake up and hold ourselves responsible for what we’re choosing especially in our unconscious/subconscious mind.  Are you willing to let go of anything that isn’t in natural resonance with the purest clarity of the heart, and trust in the expansive universal realm of limitless possibilities.  When one door closes, the universe is recalibrated and reinvented, birthing new potential not yet realized or even imagined.  Trust, have faith, and let the heart lead the way to the REAL you. Join Abhaijot under this powerful Lunar Eclipse through a special Kundalini transmission where we will collaborate with the heart strings, and honor ignite the momentum to be in power, lightness, grace, freedom, and the expansion of our greatest the I AM Presence within.

Always come as you are receive what you need.

Please bring a candle, a journal, and any smoke, herbs for clearing.


Monday March 25th

7pm-8:45pm est.

RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga.com (Include email address with Venmo or PayPal

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The Brilliance of Zero : Equinox Equanimity
7:30 PM19:30

The Brilliance of Zero : Equinox Equanimity

The Brilliance of Zero : Equinox Equanimity

As we shift the tides, and ties to the old, and open into the universal energies of ONE, and renewal we experience the true brilliance of the zero point. Just as the  the sun crosses the celestial equator, transitioning from one hemisphere to the other, we are called to reflect on the equilibrium within ourselves. A time for harmonizing opposing forces, embracing duality, and seeking unity within our souls. Astrologically, the equinox signals the beginning of a new season, marking the entry of the sun into Aries in the Northern Hemisphere, birthing the arrival of spring and a surge of dynamic energy. In the Southern Hemisphere, it welcomes the autumnal equinox, inviting us to embrace the energies of release, reflection, and preparation for the inward journey ahead. The equinox serves as a gentle reminder of the delicate equilibrium that exists within all of creation. As we continue to ascend on our physical journeys here on Earth, and our higher consciousness the equinox is not just a seasonal transition but a sacred ceremony of remembrance, a remembrance of our interconnectedness with all of creation, a remembrance of our innate divinity, and a remembrance of the infinite love that binds us together as one cosmic family, and the greatness of our I AM. This pillar point of light serves as a cosmic gateway, a threshold between dimensions where the veils between the seen and unseen worlds are thin, and the energies of unity and oneness permeate all aspects of existence. In this heightened state of awareness, the equinox represents a convergence point of higher frequencies, where the collective consciousness is infused with the vibrations of love, compassion, and unity. Join Abhaijot Kaur on a Kundalini Equinox Experience where we harness the potent energies of the Equinox to deepen our practice and expand our consciousness. Through the angles of sacred geometry, mantras, breathspace, meditation, and prayer we can channel the balanced energies of this auspicious time to release stagnant energy, cleanse the mind, and elevate our spirits. As we open up to the brilliance of zero we become co-creators of our reality, anchoring higher frequencies of light and love onto the Earth and birthing a new paradigm of existence based on unity, harmony, and cooperation. In this heightened state of awareness, the equinox becomes a catalyst for planetary transformation, as we collectively embark on a journey of ascension, transcending the illusions of separation and stepping into the fullness of our divine potential. Join us in this itime of celebration, of reunion, and of profound spiritual rebirth—a moment where we remember who we truly are and reclaim our birthright as sovereign beings of light, in reverence and gratitude, as we honor the equinox as a sacred portal of divine grace, togetherness as ONE into the infinite possibilities of now and forever. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Wednesday March 20th 7:30pm Est. Livestream + On Demand Recording

$44 RSVP HERE Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (Include email with Venmo & PayPal for live link)

Please bring flower of choice, a pack of seeds or rice, journal, and any smoke or herbs to cleanse space, a candle and favorite crystal.

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Zoom Livestream Link Sent 1 hour before start

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On Demand Replay sent within 24hours of Livestream

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Illuminated Vision: Pisces New Moon Eclipse Wormhole
7:00 PM19:00

Illuminated Vision: Pisces New Moon Eclipse Wormhole

Illuminated Vision: Pisces New Moon Eclipse Wormhole Passage

A whole new vista awaits under the Pisces New Moon on 3/10 at 4:59am est. This Lunation gateway  is significant as it opens a new wormhole that launches us into new territory, preparing us for a powerful lunar eclipse occurring later this month, and leading up to a total solar eclipse in April.  Under a wormhole passage anything goes as the design is to take us into the quantum of our evolved illuminated selves as we journey through a wrinkle in time.  Neptune disposes the Pisces New Moon, and also conjoins it, making his energies a major factor of this wormhole. The Sun-Neptune new cycle occurs days before the Spring Equinox on 3/17, but we can feel the energies now. When Neptune is involved in a wormhole passage, we can become mystified by our own fantasies, or awakened from the dreamy state into a reality check of accuracy and clarity which leads to Enlightenment.   When we bend the lens to only see what we want to see, we can manipulate ourselves into thinking and pretending that the universe is aligned as the Neptune qualities can be dreamy, compassionate and etheric; while also being confusing, escapist and even deceptive. But the Sun shines on the Neptunian fog, providing clarity and Light. It allows us to see what was unclear before, and attune to higher vibration beyond illusion, and delusion. Neptune is preparing to shift into Aries next year, so these end of sign transits are valuable for mastering our limitless spiritual selves.  A healthy dose of clarity can fine tune our filters and awaken us to a powerful seat of personal responsibility and discipline, which is what the upcoming Aries in Neptune shift offers us next year. This New Moon also aligning in a bridge between Saturn and Juno, signifying authenticity and integrity in our relationships to ourselves, each other and everything we are connected to—which is everything! Helping us evolve towards unity consciousness through the illuminated vision that Pisces brings to the table. We can transverse through this wormhole passage where the dreams can become reality if we have the courage to own our power as conscious creators, and be responsible and accountable for what we’re choosing – individually, collectively, and globally.  This is an epic pivot point where the tides start to shift and a bigger social movement begins in the ocean of love full of possibilities. Join Abhaijot Kaur in a Grand Eclipse Wormhole Opening through a Kundalini alignment, and New Moon Eclipse ritual to help you bring in clarity as we open and activate under this potent passage in time. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Please Bring Journal, Candle, Jar / Glass of Water, Herbs for Clearing the Space

Sunday 3.10

7pm Est

$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga.com (Include email address with Venmo or PayPal for Zoom Livestream)

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Kathak Dance Yoga
2:00 PM14:00

Kathak Dance Yoga

May we honor the elements, our benevolent ancestors and guides and pray for peace through this special dance offering. Ashyka, and Abhaijot for a 2 hour multidimensional journey through ancient movement meditation and dance prayer. Inspired by North Indian Kathak mudras, rhythmical footwork, and sacred geometrical twirling. Enhanced by Yogic breath and mantra techniques. Experience sacred dance trance state by simultaneously singing, dancing, and acting an ancient story honoring the cosmic deities Lord Shiva and Kali Ma associated with the Vedic astrology of this auspicious new moon weekend! As always come as you are, and receive what you need.

$33 RSVP HERE or via Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

Questions Email HERE


Lower Puna Seaview, Big Island Hawaii

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3:3 Diamond Light: Soulstar Gate
12:00 PM12:00

3:3 Diamond Light: Soulstar Gate

Diamond light, the Crystalline soulular self that is anchored in through the intergalactic space of the 3:3 portal. The frequency of Love, Power, Wisdom amplified in the field of conscious creation here and now. The thin veil and the impeccable light within our origin is revealed. Through the amplified influx of light we have the opportunity to tune into our gift of all timelines now and forever as 3 represents past, present, future; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end – the number of the DIVINE. A powerful entry into the 3 vibration of the month which is all about the product of the whole. The number 1 we find in the male energy, and the female energy of the 2. “All” is  given, as every other single digit number is derived from the three. Join Abhaijot Kaur for a Kundalini Diamond Light Soulstar transmission as we travel deep through time and space to anchor in the Diamond light of consciousness and the amplified light of this potent Stargate.

Sunday 3:3

Noon Est.



RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (Include email for link with Zoom and Paypal)

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Virgo Full Moon Dreaming Whole
11:00 AM11:00

Virgo Full Moon Dreaming Whole

Virgo Full Moon: Dreaming Whole

The last Full Moon before Eclipse Season, coming off the 222 energy, and the second of the first 3 Moons of 2024 being at 5 degrees. This moon is all about caring for what we are creating with diligence. The wholeness of the dream. February 24, 2024 at 7:31 am Est this Lunation occurs. Pisces Sun Virgo Moon is all about helping and healing. Chiron, still conjoined with the Soul Star, is Virgo’s dispositor, making him a big player in this lunation. What is your consistent way of living and integrating and embodying? We can explore and say that there is an infinite realm and infinite possibilities(Pisces) but if we are in a daily practice of choosing the old narratives and choosing fear, insecurity, or choosing all the old choices that would have us feel limited or stuck or even wounded or disempowered then we need to take a look at what we are choosing as a daily practice. What is our application that we are committed to, because that becomes the fabric that we are living in within our own skin. It also becomes the fabric of our reality we are living in and all the available choices and outcomes we have come from that fabric. The polarity between Virgo and Pisces is PROFOUND it’s where we have the potential to really birth ourselves back into the innocence(Virgo Virgin) of our everything, the innocence of such a magical belief system where we have no fears, no boarders or boundaries, which means anything is possible. With the the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn making a bridge with this Moon it’s an opportunity to weaving our dreams of our higher selves with more care, diligence, and truth so we can a embodied Holy (Whole) life. Join Abhaijot on this Potent Lunation Saturday 24th in a Kundalini dive into the invitation of this Full Moon in Virgo. A time to focus on dreaming big, putting some intention into it, and taking small steps towards that dream.  What do we want to create? What do we want to become? This year it can begin. As always come as you are receive what you need.

11am Est.Saturday 2.24 Livestream + On Demand Replay

$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga.com

Bring to your Altar(mat) And herbs, oils, sprays for clearing. A Journal and Candle.

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222 Love Coded
7:00 PM19:00

222 Love Coded

222 Energy Frequency Vibration as the veil thins on this auspicious day. An inpouring of love, flooding of DNA in a spiral of beautiful balance, that all of us are going to experience at deep inner levels, as our own inner balance returns and unites with the cosmic heart and Venus. Join Abhaijot Kaur on this Stargate to infuse the codes of love that the 222 energy carries, Spiritual Alignment, Balance, Sacred Union in a Kundalini Transmission as we step into the Age of Love and Miracles on this special day.

Thursday 222

7pm Est. Livestream + On Demand Replay 5 days

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Beaming Love: Aquarius Super New Moon
12:00 PM12:00

Beaming Love: Aquarius Super New Moon

Beaming Love Aquarius New Moon

It’s the first New Moon of the Lunar Year and the Year of the Wood Dragon and the First Supermoon of 2024. This Aquarius Moon on February 9th at 5:59 EST. sets the tone of Love into the heart of humanity. The energy is full of newness and the atmosphere of LOVE.  Aquarius is the part of our energy field where we learn to take down our defenses to letting others see us as we truly are. We learn to love our authentic Selves just as we are, and not project some persona for protection. It’s where we grow into our future to be all we are capable of. When we accept and love our Selves, totally and without reservation, we can shine our Light and direct that love for the benefit of others. Aquarius, is the embodiment of change; change that is new and unseen, we feel it coming, and that’s why we’re here. Uranus, the dispositor of this lunation, and Chariklo is also in Aquarius, at 13°, where she will remain until 2027. Chariklo provides a wise, stabilizing and nurturing influence, keeping things steady and grounded as the Aquarian Lights strike.  Chariklo is a inconjunct with Juno, offering the vibration that it’s possible to awaken to our connectedness with our Selves and each other if we put forth the effort. Remember the more we learn to lean to love on behalf of all we awaken, and as more folks awaken, everyone’s consciousness changes.  Mercury also in Uranus we must remember that the messenger now becomes the awakener.  Join Abhaijot as we amplify the Aquarian field of the Golden Age under the Aquarius Moon and Sun in this Kundalini Shakti practice of Beaming Love as a force of Light through all time and space realities in this Kundalini and New Moon practice. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Saturday 2.10

Noon Est Livestream + On Demand Replay for 5 Days

$44 HERE or Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Zoom Link Sent within 12hrs of the Live

Recording available for 5 days

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8:8 The Sacred Tone LOVE: Leo Full Moon
7:00 PM19:00

8:8 The Sacred Tone LOVE: Leo Full Moon

The creative fire is burning within us with the first of three full moons of 2024 occurring at 5 degrees (Leo, Virgo and a lunar eclipse in Libra)! This is our opportunity to create (Leo), care for our creation with diligence (Virgo), and then come into balance (Libra). Let’s dream, and listen to the sacred tone in the atmosphere LOVE

The Moon is forming a Finger of God between Saturn (5 Pisces) and Venus (2 Cap)- the Sun (and Pluto at 0 Aquarius) forms a boomerang yod and is the outlet of this formation meaning, the Sun’s expression is the release valve of pent up energy and/or tension. Venus is who/what we love outwardly, material resources, and also our self-worth. Saturn in a harmonious sextile to Venus, offering the chance to create supportive structures and routines. Pluto is loosely communing with the Sun and forming a bridge with the Moon, so this is deep. Something is ready to be transformed. What needs to go? This is a Full Moon after all- the end of a cycle. The Sun and Pluto are in Aquarius, which presents a beautiful opportunity to step into our true identity. To live authentically. To love and be loved. To allow it all in. The courage to fully embody the Open Door of the 5 chambers. Maybe what needs to die off is the tendency to close our hearts, and hide our authentic selves. Maybe we can have what we want once we are willing to release that which no longer serves that Sacred Tone of Love, the frequency that dissolves all ego, fear based habitual unconscious momentum. Join Abhaijot on this extraordinary first Full Moon of 2024 on the 3rd 8/8 Stargate of the year bringing us into that G O D energy Generator, Organizer, Destroyer/ Deliverer Energy of the Highest Frequency Love. With a Kundalini alignment and Full Moon ritual. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Please Bring to your Altar (Mat) Candle, Journal, Herbs/ Sprays for Clearing.

7pm Est.-8:45pm Est + 7 Day On Demand Replay

$44 RSVP HERE or VENMO @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Zoom Link Sent 30 Minutes Before Start

Replay Sent after Live

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Power to the People: Pluto in Aquarius-The Golden Aira
12:00 PM12:00

Power to the People: Pluto in Aquarius-The Golden Aira

A moment to behold. The Sun, our consciousness and life force, meets with Pluto at 29 Capricorn 59, the absolute last minute in Capricorn, before they both enter the energy field of Aquarius together.  This highlights the energies we experienced on the December 2020 solstice, when Jupiter and Saturn communed at 0 Aquarius. It was a turn of a new cycle of consciousness for the next 20 years. With Sun-Pluto on that degree we come to see how far we have come. Our consciousness is aligning itself with the shift from the old ways of the past to the new energies of the future, and from the power of systems to the power of people. These degrees comprise the Portal of Strength between the two signs, effectively blending the energies of the signs. Collectively we take the power of Capricorn, with its diligence and connection to Source, and bring it into Aquarius to be expressed where it becomes a strength which we can use consciously for Self-love and mastery of our Light. Pluto, representing transformation and rebirth, is taking us on a renewed journey into the energies of Aquarius. He goes retrograde in May and re-enters Capricorn one more time in September, giving us 7 months to get used to the experience of his transformative energies in Uranus’ sign until he makes his big move fully in November until 2043. We are receiving a glimpse of the future and the ability to take care of any unfinished matters that tarnish the light. Mercury also clearing his shadow on this day proving we are ready for new ways to think, communicate and connect with others. Join Abhaijot as we align our energy fields to one of the biggest shifts of 2024 in a potent Kundalini Yoga practice for our nervous system creating a solid container to hold the electric waves of light coming forth as we merge in the new AIRA of the Golden Age and the Power of One.

Saturday 1.20.24

Noon Est. / 9 am Pst. / 5pm London

$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Zoom Link sent 30 mins before start

On Demand Replay sent after live available for 7 days

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8:8: The Infinite Sustainer
7:00 PM19:00

8:8: The Infinite Sustainer

Join us for the second 8:8 Stargate of 2024 the first opening of 2024 took us into creative abundance. This second portal we will work with the Sustaining energy of the cosmic presence of our source light in motion. This activation is deep 37 1/2 minute Breathspace coupled with physical body integration and receiving. Don’t miss this 2nd double 8 energy of the year.

Time 7pm-8pm est.


RSVP HERE or Venmo IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com Paypal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com

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Zoom Link sent 30 minutes before

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On Demand Replay for 7 days

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The High Road: 111 Capricorn New Moon
7:00 PM19:00

The High Road: 111 Capricorn New Moon

The High Road: 1:11 New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn is the first lunar event of this “8” vibration year, bringing us into a dynamic intersection (choice point) of the moon’s Nodes (karmic and dharmic), cutting through the tension of polarity through the transcendental gateway to a higher dimension of consciousness – the high road that takes us to new ground, previously unrecognized.  This power intersection is an opportunity to access our higher power (and higher consciousness) in any crossroads/choice points we’re navigating.  We’re being called forth, and our level of personal commitment to evolution and growth is being challenged.  Through any significant challenge, we either rise up, elevate, grow, and expand…or we collapse, resist, avoid, or walk away.   It’s important that we remember who we are, as we attune to a higher calling and higher purpose. The willingness to trust our inner guidance mechanism and honor the divine seeds of intention and higher purpose that’s awakening within ushers a newfound recognition of the larger orchestration that we’re all a part of.  We came here for this moment in time to step fully into our magnificence and mastery. Mercury conjuncts the Galactic Center for a new cycle, and right after the New Moon in Capricorn occurs at 5:58am ET/ 2:58amPT.   If we’re all in, willing to surrender to the journey while rising up to the challenge of our Soul’s highest calling, there are no limits to what we can accomplish and achieve in this new year and beyond! Join us for this 111 new moon Stargate in a kundalini yoga attunement and New Moon ritual as we walk the high road Capricorn style.

***For Ritual Bring a candle, coins, journal, smoke or herbs for clearing, leaves from a tree or bay leaves***


7pm est-8:45pm est

$44 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga.com

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Link will be sent out 30 mins before Livestream

Replay sent after Live and valid for 7 days

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8:8 Gateway: Creative Abundance
12:00 PM12:00

8:8 Gateway: Creative Abundance

The first 8:8 gateway of the year! This grand opening to the double 8 energy today sparks a fiery initiation of creative potential within us, launching the final moment of awakening from Mercury’s recent retrograde passage.  Sparks are flying today, let it awaken inner truth that’s ready to manifest and co-create.  Like a match stick consciously seeking friction, today we join the mass flux of cosmic energy and let the flame ignite new potential from within in as we open up the creative channels and endless possibilities through this Kundalini activated space. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Sunday 1.7.24

9am PST - 12 Noon Est - 5pm London

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo IHeartKundalini Yoga Payal IHeartKundaliniYoga.com (Include email in Venmo or PayPal for link)

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Zoom Link sent 30 mins before Activation

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On Demand Recording available for 8 days sent after live

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The Open Heart: 2024 Design
4:00 PM16:00

The Open Heart: 2024 Design

The Open Heart: 2024 Design

The Universal Shift begins on this first day of 2024! The space is already beaming with possibilities of creation. Mercury begins to shift direct and the 8 vibrational year enters from the expanded 7 year. The 8 Vibration has the potential to unlock sustainable power, and harness a greater source of power through the central channel of our open heart. An Open heart is the key to 2024, through oneness we experience the full potential of our I AM Presence which is an Open door that no man can shut. The infinite vastness of love and the potentiality of free energy can be the experience to the trifold energy within LOVE, POWER, and WISDOM which is the infinite possibilities of ALL.  When we remember we are energy in motion and our energy can be harnessed to create and be used on behalf of all we all come closer to oneness and that begins to create the collective karma and the feedback loop in our inner and outer worlds. Creating a true sustainable power of the 8 energy. Which is the holder of Power, Success, Karma, and the Infinite it is up to usto choose vibration of that feedback loop.  Join Abhaijot as we raise the vibration to the elevated consciousness of 8. As we design the Open Door of our hearts vast design in this special Kundalini intentional altar of the heart. As always come as you are receive what you need.

January 1st 2024

Time: 4pm Est-5:30pm est

Bring Paper, a scissor, colored pencils or pens, candle, oracle cards, smoke, sprays, oils for clearing.

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (include email) PayPal IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (include email)

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Zoom live link sent 30 mins before

Recording sent to all after Live and available for 7 days

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Leading Light: Winter Solstice Kundalini Consciousness
7:00 PM19:00

Leading Light: Winter Solstice Kundalini Consciousness

We are preparing for something major. The Winter Solstice Stargate opened 1212 and we are amidst the final Mercury Retrograde of 2023 which brings incredible downloads as we upgrade our mental operating systems. Winter Solstice one of the four pillars of our year which marks the REBIRTH of the Sun, and the darkest day of the Year and the beginning of a new cycle of birth → growth → death in Nature; a whole new year of life, experiences & transformation. The Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky at noon, and just as the Sun, we are travelers of the energy of light. The 2023 frequency of Winter Solstice Stargate is to let your Merkaba, the lighthouse of your energetic vortex flood you with the everlasting light of love. The thin veil allows new energy which is consciousness and light which is also consciousness flood the 12 and 24 strands of DNA.  A sacred time to prepare for life’s direction with intention on soul and all levels for 2024, which is a crucial year of immense changes, as the ascension process accelerates. Join me on a Kundalini Winter Solstice Leading Light Ceremony in a special practice for your Merkaba and intentional candle ceremony. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Please bring a picture of your self and 6 candles (tea lights) and any flowers or seasonal things in your area (leaves, flowers) and favortite crystals journal.

December 20th 7pm-8:30pm est.

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga

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Zoom Livestream will be sent 30 mins before start

7 Day on demand replay sent right after live

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Soul Pillar: 1212 New Moon in Sagittarius Kundalini Codes
7:00 PM19:00

Soul Pillar: 1212 New Moon in Sagittarius Kundalini Codes

The LAST New Moon of 2023 coupled with Mercury Retrograde aligned with the 1212 portal is happening December 12th at 6:32pm est. this New Moon lights the Kundalini Fire to our Soul Pillar. This New Moon 1212 energy is aligned to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, located at 26-27° Sagittarius, a direct pathway is open to the galactic center. The year-end gateways initiate a zero point reset for rapid human transformation. In metaphysical tradition, Metatron’s Cube encompasses 12 circles that correspond to the 12 dimensions of the dodecahedron universe. The 12 circles in Metatron’s Cube connect to the 12 harmonic tones of Phi that propel the golden ratio spin momentum of the Quantum Vortex. This New Moon in Sagittarius occurs with Mars in hand. Creating a Grand Manifestation with Eris and the dharmic Soul Star Chakra in Aries, and the Black Moon in Leo. That’s a lot of fiery energy. The lunation can give an easy interaction of energies that support our bravely going forth, uncovering the truth of the situations we’re in, who we are vs. who we want to become, and facing the habits that keep us in low energy. Sagittarius is where we work to triumph over the ego before beginning a new cycle at the solstice. The ceremonial bonfire where our Soul Pillar lights the fire to our cosmic consciousness and the downloads of our future self embodied in the present. What a Moon! Join us for a special Kundalini Coding where we will light through a very special expansive experience into the Galactic center. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Please where all white to the coding

Bring a personal deck of tarot cards, journal, crystals, and herbs / oils for clearing

December 12th

7pm EST. Livestream + Recording

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email)

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Zoom Link Sent 30 minutes before livestream

Recording sent after Zoom

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Mercury Retrograde 3.0: Elevated Wisdom
to Jan 2

Mercury Retrograde 3.0: Elevated Wisdom

Mercury Retrograde 3.0: Wisdom Elevated

Mercury journey into the final days of 2023 bringing us into 2024.  Mercury is more than miscommunications and past relationships. It’s an opportune time to journey into a heightened state of the diamond mind through slowing down and elevating up, and with this particular journey through Capricorn and Sagittarius we are asked to slow down productivity and organize, in preparation for the future. This is truly a remarkable journey to end this 7 vibration year. A powerful time to contemplate your priorities for the coming year and how you can prepare, take time to go within and be still even in the middle of a season of celebration. Mercury has the ability for us to tune into the higher channels of the Gods. In the higher frequencies of Mercury Retrograde we can move from the spinning mind, and change the fabric of our current reality while elevating and shifting when we reclaim the power to choose our thoughts and choose our lens of consciousness. Retrograde starting off in Capricorn gives us the maximum potential to attain better memory power (Capricorn governs the crown chakra at the top of the mountain) and expanded wisdom of our inner light. On December 23rd Mercury shifts into Sagittarius a fire sign representing the ceremonial bonfire of sacred completion. There is wisdom in completion, and there is divine recognition of spirit in matter through the release of spirit from matter. When we place a physical item into the bonfire, there is transformation and transmutation. The physical form and structure, as well as the emotional and mental attachments we have to that form and structure, are dissolved and released. We can reclaim our spirit and our divine power by starting again from a clean slate, elevated by wisdom. Sagittarius portal in Mercury retrograde is the final integration of wisdom that occurs when we cross the threshold from ending to new beginning mind to cultivate from a foundation of Wisdom to build a world from that place. Let’s elevate through the dimensional self with the vital energy within Kundalini  creating a heightend mind as we exit and enter a new cycle. Join Abhaijot Kaur in a special Mercury Journey to keep our mental capacity tuned to the elevated Wisdom and light of an awakened Mercury Journey.

The rational mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.” ~ Carl Jung

Mercury 3.0 is a 3 part Journey is 1 hour live journey weekly through the beginning middle and end of Retrograde. You will have a special weekly 11-22 minute meditation to keep up with between the 1 hour cycles. This mediation will attune you to the proper frequencies of the Beginning, Middle, and End of Journey shifts in Consciousness.

Retrograde Capricorn Memory Power Monday December 11th 7pm Est.

Shifting Gears Sagittarius Ceremonial Fire Saturday December 23th 10am Est.

Transmutation Wisdom Elevated Tuesday January 2nd 2024 7pm Est.

Energy Exchange $111

RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include your email)

***12.23 MERCURY Midpoint Sagittarius Shifting Gears on $44 HERE or Venmo (leave email address) Access until 1.1 ***

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Upon Registration you will also be invited into a What’s App Container

After each live journey a recording will be sent.

RSVP Closes 30mins before start.

Live Classes are EST.

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The Architect: Gemini Full Moon
7:30 PM19:30

The Architect: Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon: The Architect

The Second to last Full Moon of 2023! Gemini Full Moon opposite Sagittarius Consciousness on Monday November 27th 4:16am est. What you focus on becomes your world. And since you are an architect of the new world, it won’t do to be conscious of anything but what Love and Unity can bring about. Gemini energy can always be seen as the frenetic energy of duality in the lower realm. When Gemini Energy holds the emotional space in a non frenetic way there is a possibility of an acceleration in our overall rate of motion, and things can quicken in the multifaceted Gemini style. We have a lot of Sagittarius fire in this Lunation with Mercury, the Sun, Mars and Ceres all in Sagittarius supporting this quickening with expansion with wisdom and most importantly truth. More fire under this Moon with Eris-Soul Star new cycle in Aries. The fire signs are active, with Ceres and Mars resonating with the Sun in Sagittarius.. There is also a Grand Manifestation (Trine) between the Sun, Varuna and Salacia in fire signs. Fire is life force energy that burns away and purifies; it’s transformational. Jupiter and Mercury influence this lunation, and Mercury manifests with the Eris-Soul Star (N. Node) new cycle. A lot is being purified under the fire with this Full Moon as a new multifaceted lens is simultaneously underway to Architect a expansion deeper into our Divine presence. The beauty of this Moon is that Jupiter  also forms an intersection between Varuna and Chariklo, so even with all this fire energy there is some grounding and stability available. So much is available right now to create and if we get to truth and Unity. As always Full Moons are here to shake us / wake us up and at the same time liberate us into a whole new world.  Join Abhaijot Kaur on a Kundalini Yoga Full Moon assembly using the potency of our Godspark flame within with the tools of Kundalini Yoga, and Full Moon Ritual. As Always come as you are receive what you need.

Monday 10.27

7:30pm Est. Livestream + On Demand Recording

$44 pay HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include your email for link please)

Bring Journal / Herbs for Clearing / Candle

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Zoom Link sent 30 mins before start

Recorded Content sent after live

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Alchemical Light: The Awakened Rebirth Scorpio New Moon
to Nov 14

Alchemical Light: The Awakened Rebirth Scorpio New Moon

Alchemical Light: The Awakened Rebirth Scorpio New Moon

The Journey through the Eclipse wormhole passage that began 9/14 under the Virgo New comes to compleation on this Scorpio New Moon November 13th at 4:27am Est. The invitation we were guided to these last months were profound. As we leaned in to see into the historic situations that have caused suffering or distortion, all the way into the root, the origin of our being personal and collective.  We learned that a deeper presence grounds the frequency of Love, which is now under this New Moon threading alchemy through our roots, and the final transformation/transmutation into our awakened rebirth. Mars in Scorpio aligning with this New Moon preparing for the Cazimi (new cycle/ communion) with the Sun and Mars the there is great power to fully emerge awakened in truly new skin if we see the whole process through. Under this magnitude of a time Join Abhaijot as we journey through the Scorpio depths in a special Kundalini Awakened Rebirth.

This is a deep ceremonial practice to honor the terrain we have been navigating these last months. Please come as you are receive what you need. We will go through a Kundalini Rebirth, and Moon intentional space.

Please no food at least 1 hour before practice

Bring Herbs for clearing space to altar (mat)

Candle and a fruit of choice

Pen / Journal

Live 7:30pm to 9:30pm est.


RSVP Here or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email)

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Live Zoom Link will be sent out 30 mins before class

On Demand replay sent to all RSVP

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1111 Axis Mundi Merkaba Frequency
10:00 AM10:00

1111 Axis Mundi Merkaba Frequency

As Mother Earth’s recently adjusted position in the Universe allowing Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, Sentient Beings and Mother Earth are to receive higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s lineage more than we have previously been able to assimilate. This includes the Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of our Physical Sun, Helios and Vesta, and our Great Central Sun. 1111 the frequency of our divine Merkaba is being activated under this light. 11 we know is the frequency of Mastery 1111 is the frequency amplified twice. Where 1+1 come together as ONE. The unseen allies in the angelic world call it a wake up call into unity. And what ever we are plugging into will be amplified times 2. As this occurs, our mental body, our superconscious mind, our conscious mind, our subconscious mind and our physical brain structures are being empowered to receive a brand new level of Divine Consciousness. Join Abhaijot as we assist this assimilation of Light Consciousness of our I AM Merkaba through a Kundalini practice for our Axis Mundi, and nodding through vibrational medicine of the primordial sounds that usher in ONE.

Live + Digital on Demand Recording

10am est. / 7am pst. / 3pm London

Saturday 11.11

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Include email for link)

Zoom Link will be sent 30 mins. Before Live

All Ticket Sales Final

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Soul to Cell: Into the Virgo Eclipse Passage
7:00 PM19:00

Soul to Cell: Into the Virgo Eclipse Passage

A journey into the Virgo Eclipse Passage.

Where we invest our energy matters. Learning to tune into our authentic value system. And ACTUALLY watch ourselves to see if we are living our practice. Virgo helps us with our application what are we choosing moment to moment to moment. Virgo New Moon on 9.14 will welcome us into the wormhole/eclipse passage with a ceremonial initiation, in the name of healing, wholing, and purification. As the lights come on as in any Eclipse intensity it is our responsibility to our souls’ evolutionary embodiment to amplify and reflect even more light, the flood gates open and deliver opportunities for wholistic integration, healing, wholeness, soul integration. This moment preceded by the Super Blue Moon is going to open the wrinkle in time what would normally feel like lifetimes and lifetimes of acceleration. Wormhole passages can be slippery, or when we attune to what the particular eclipse passage is inviting us into we can experience lifetimes of wisdom, and growth moment to moment  through the vastness of your true soul awareness. The Virgo Eclipse Passage begins on September 14th and ends on November 13th. So much memory is being threaded through the fabric of our being. Virgo helps us with our application of what we are choosing moment, to moment, to moment in the spiral of our being to enhance us, Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically.  The passage opens in the 9 vibration month.  A month channelling our mastery where endings and beginnings weave as one. There is a significance of this Eclipse passage opening up a week before Autumn equalization point.  Join Abhaijot as we journey through the opening of the gates so we are prepared for the accumulation of the Eclipse points allowing ourselves to let the fine tuning of the cosmic eyes shine new rays through our whole system.  In this incarnation it is a gift to live through and express through this 4 body system. The inclusion and the elevation of this 4 body system Soul to Cell. If we only live in the invisible realm, if we only master the art of infinite possibilities but we don’t actually connect the dots to deliver that into the physical form then we start to fragment or fracture ourselves. May the invitation to return whole be met for our greatest presence the I Am with all.

This Journey will be 4 Live weekly sessions (all sessions recorded and sent after live)

We will embody a weekly kriya for refining and enhancing each of your bodies.

Optional private What’s App Circle.

45min 1+1 Journey with Abhaijot for Integration and Elevation

The Journey

7pm EST. Live

Enhanced Spirit September 14

Enhanced Mental September 21

Enhanced Emotional September 25th

Enhanced Physical October 5th

Integration + Elevation 45 Minute 1+1 Private with Abhaijot (After registration you will receive Abhaijot Calendar for Scheduling)

$369 HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga@gmail.com (Please include email for Links)

10% of all Ticket Sales will go to Manjushree Vidyapith school home and school for orphaned and disadvantaged Tibetan children in Tawang, 8,000 feet high in the Himalayas. Manjushree Orphanage, is named after the Tibetan God of Wisdom. Where Abhaijot will Pilgram with her teacher this Fall.

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Clearing the Grids: Conscious Pioneer Super Harvest Moon Kundalini Tuning Fork
7:00 PM19:00

Clearing the Grids: Conscious Pioneer Super Harvest Moon Kundalini Tuning Fork

The final Super Moon of 2023 and the Harvest Moon the Full Moon after Equinox wrapped in the Eclipse wormhole. The Full Moon happening in  Aries occurs at 5:58am ET September 29th before sunrise across the US, revealing a dynamic illumination that can’t be ignored. Aries represents the pioneering leader the original, the source of something new.  Whether we’ve ever seen it before or not, whether an idea or a thought has ever been considered before or not, whether a creative idea has ever been realized or not, we are the birthing canal of anything that arises and initiates through the open space of our open creative mind.  If we can believe it, if we can imagine it, it’s possible.  If we meet the fresh ideas with negativity, limitation, or judgment, we shut it down before it even has a change to take shape.  The discipline of our inner mental body space is what keeps the landscape sacred.  If we buy into the limitations, we ignore or bypass the creative spark of new possibility.  If we validate and celebrate the creative spark of new possibility, we allow it to follow through with action, creating ripple effects in the greater cosmic ocean of Oneness. As we navigate our divine DNA into its becoming, every single one of us are Pioneering the new ways of creating a new sovereign reality for the whole collective grid. The Harvest Moon presents an opportunity to harvest and claim all you've learned from and grown through over the Summer, as you now consciously clear the way to embrace the new season. It takes fierce and loving discipline to remain in the practice moment to moment.  It’s easy to manifest big dreams when there’s no competing conversations within the subconscious realm of the mind causing gravity, sabotage, or polarized confusionUnder this Lunation it’s our personal responsibility to detox the mind, re-educate and recondition the inner programming of our personal matrix.  Whatever we’ve inherited or acquired from our current culture, climate, or biology can be purified and fine tuned as we make it our business to take inventory, to see the inner landscape and harness the power within to make the necessary adjustments and shifts. This Full Moon activates a 5D Light Bridge with MakeMake and Salacia, intersected by another 5D Light Bridge with Quaoar/Ixion and Astraea/Vesta, forming a dynamic Grand Power Cross. We’re at a significant crossroads a turning point with a choice to elevate, and restore balance and justice by honoring and choosing the equality of yin/yang, mind/heart, spirit/matter..  As we make it our business to elevate the horizon, we find new options and available actions, new solutions and new thoughts, revealing new outcomes and results that shift and alter the fabric of our reality, both personal and collective.  Join Abhaijot on a special Lunation Kundalini Yoga tuning fork to cleanse the collective grid lines together where we will activate the waters within ourselves and the collective grid in the divine order. We will be pioneering the way in a special practice and collective grid cleanse to hold until the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 14th aligning the frequencies of the Higher light ushering in without any misrepresentations.

$44 RSVP HERE or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email for Zoom)

Saturday September 30th

Live 7pm EST + Digital Recording

Please Bring Water to place your feet in and a chair to sit OR a Bowl of Water

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All Sales Final

Zoom Link sent 30 minutes before start

RSVP Closes 30 minutes before start

Recording Sent after Live

Any herbs for clearing or Essential Oils

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The Magic Wand: Pisces Full Super Blue Moon
7:00 PM19:00

The Magic Wand: Pisces Full Super Blue Moon

The Magic Wand: Pisces Full Super Blue Moon

Blessed be the Magic as Pisces Full Moon offers a leap of faith into unknown universal potential that can shake up our inner world and reveal an entirely new landscape, on a dime.  Everything is fluid.  Anything is possible. With Saturn retrograding through Pisces conjunct the Full Moon on Wednesday August 30th at 9:35pm EST, our fixed attachments to identity who we think we are, what we believe is possible, and where we think we’re going are all being dissolved and set free as we recalibrate through the higher attunement of Soul. This Moon offers up an opportunity to find out who we are from a non-linear perspective that transcends time/space.  If we allow the labels and agendas fall apart, the lines and boundaries also fade, we find ourselves in the empty spaces between everything.  Nothing is defined, nothing is written, which means everything is worthy of exploring and creating, anything is possible, and we are free. Our hearts are awake and on fire, and the calling to birth new consciousness is getting louder.  It’s time to return to the limitless realm to remember our capacity for new creation, through the boundarylessness of Universal Love. When we integrate the innocence of the heart with the wisdom of our soul, we find ourselves dancing, spinning and swirling stardust into new spiral patterns that manifest a whole new world.  Not by avoiding the one we’re in, but by remembering there’s always more, and choosing to participate as the vastness of our soul. The Full Moon at 7 Pisces 25′ is a rare Blue Moon event, meaning it’s the second full moon to occur in the month of August. This fact alone makes it a spectacular and magical illumination.  Combined with the fact that Pisces unleashes our divine creativity and gives us permission to explore beyond our personal boundaries and limits is also exceptionally magical. Pisces disposed by Neptune, who is currently retrograde in Pisces, is actively participating in a grand wisdom cross with Pallas, the Galactic Center, and Vesta/Astraea in this lunation. As the heart restores innocence and reveals the gateway to the center of the Universe, we’re channeling divine wisdom like never before.  Are you ready to experience the magic under this stellar moment in time? Join Abhaijot in this Kundalini Blue Moon attunement, and Moon medicine as we gather in the auspiciousness, magic, and vastness of the Universe, in motion inside of us. As always come as you are receive what you need.

Please bring any items to cleanse your space for Full Moon ritual (herbs, essential oils)

Bowl of Water

Flower Petals, Rice, or Dried Beans (Total 11 pieces)


Wednesday August 30th

7Pm EST Livestream + Recording


or Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email for links)

Additional Information

All ticket sales final

On demand replay sent after live transmission and available for 5 days after live.

Zoom Link sent 30 miniature before live activation.

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The Heart of One: Leo New Moon Maui Love
7:00 PM19:00

The Heart of One: Leo New Moon Maui Love

Heart of One: Leo New Moon Maui Love

Leo New Moon August 16th 23 degrees comes after a potent Lions Gate Portal opening our hearts to the fullest capacity of authenticity and compassion for all. Venus just entered her new cycle and Uranus makes a stepping stone with this Moon channeling us to find the blessings in the unexpected turbulence, can we meet the moment with an open heart and manifest dynamic change? Sun and Moon in Leo shines brightly through gratitude, abundance, and generosity. Every unfolding supports our greater awakening and evolution. Can we become generators of cohesive abundance, sustainable vitality that shines on behalf of ALL? While Chiron is in a manifestation with this Moon it is pointing out change can bring a deep healing and reconciliation. Choosing to open to Love, choosing to open to vitality and abundance, choosing to see the blessing and the golden thread of universal magic, delivers gratitude of the highest octave. Gratitude fuels sustainable life force energy that becomes the motivation for our actions that never grow old, wear out, or loose meaning. Can we step into the higher heart center and the universal law of ONE? The invitation of the heart invites us to experience intimacy, transparency, vulnerability, and connection through the divine current of life force energy. Join Abhaijot Kaur for a Kundalini New Moon activation and healing circle for Maui and all beings suffering right now 100% of proceeds will go to Maui Wildfire Relief where we will donate supplies to those affected by the Wildfires. This Moon is all about where we focus, and invest our energy, and it matters. When we choose to invest in the possibility of alchemy and transformation, we become conduits and beacons for a whole new world to manifest….not by force by collaborative alchemy, the expansion of Light, and the presence of Love that helps to heal and shine love not only on ourselves but all.

7pm-9pm EST Live Zoom + Replay

Zoom Link sent 30 mins. Before start

100% of Ticket Proceeds to Maui Rescue

Ticket Tier 1 $44 HERE

Ticket Tier 2 $88 HERE

Ticket Tier 3 $111 HERE

Also via Venmo @IHeartKundaliniYoga (Please include email for zoom link

Please bring any herbs, oils, sprays for clearing to the altar (yoga mat) Candle, Journal

Class contains Kundalini Activation for the Moon Energy

37 1/2 minute Healing Circle

Moon Medicine Co-Creation

Thank You for All You Do!

Additional Info

All Sales Final

Zoom Replay sent to all after live transmission

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